In 2016, Uplift founder and head coach Nancy Townsend was working as a mobile trainer and yoga instructor out of clients’ homes and big-box gyms in Washington D.C. She realized that she wanted to get out of the car and have clients come to her — so she founded Uplift, a holistic fitness and health center.

Now with her own private studio, Nancy is able to provide individual programs focused on strength training and health. Even during the uncertain times of the COVID-19 crisis, Nancy and the Uplift team continue to find different ways to support and tailor-fit programs to their clients.

Keep reading to learn how Uplift:

  • Found a partner to help provide a personalized client experience at scale
  • Grew revenue 347% since starting with ActiveCampaign
  • Launched a virtual training platform in the wake of COVID-19
  • Keeps their leads and pipeline up-to-date with ActiveCampaign and Salesforce Essentials

Creating a more personalized client experience — in less time

Before they began using ActiveCampaign, Uplift sent emails to each client one-by-one in Gmail. It was difficult to make the emails look professional and on-brand, and there was no way for the Uplift team to track opens and clicks.

There was also no system in place to follow-up with clients or assign tasks to the team — the team constantly had to remind themselves to respond to a client or follow up with a hot lead. This meant that the team was spending too much time trying to organize customer data and communications — and not enough time closing deals and creating real, valuable relationships with existing clients.

Uplift wanted to focus on giving their clients a more personalized experience. They chose ActiveCampaign because they needed a solution that would help them refocus their time onto their clients and create a better client experience.

How automation and communication led to a 347% increase in revenue

Since starting with ActiveCampaign in 2017, Uplift has seen tremendous success, including a 347% increase in revenue and doubling of their average client monthly value.

Uplift uses engagement tagging automations to see which of their members are most engaged and who their hot leads are. With this information, the Uplift team can segment their leads and customers to make sure that they send the right content to the right audience.

Pivoting to virtual training during the COVID-19 pandemic

In March 2020, Uplift launched a virtual training platform to help members stay active during the COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders. The most important part of launching their virtual training platform was communicating with not only current members but prospective and former clients.

With ActiveCampaign, Uplift quickly set up automations to send out emails about the virtual training launch, targeting both their prospective and former client lists. For current members, Uplift is using ActiveCampaign to send daily campaigns that:

  • Help clients access virtual training
  • Share daily musings, motivational content, and mindfulness techniques
  • Offer overall tips to stay grounded and healthy during this difficult time

Staying connected and organized with Salesforce Essentials

To manage their leads and pipeline, Uplift uses Salesforce Essentials. Salesforce Essentials lets the Uplift team track potential clients’ journeys through their pipeline through easy-to-view dashboards. This gives the team a full view into their pipeline, so they can see:

  • Which prospects have converted to clients
  • How many times Uplift has reached out to a particular prospect
  • How many prospects and active clients Uplift has at any given time

All the above information stays up-to-date in ActiveCampaign thanks to the quick and simple integration between ActiveCampaign and Salesforce. For example, when a client churns, the team at Uplift can see that data on the Salesforce dashboard and automatically move the client into their “previous client” segment within ActiveCampaign. From there, Uplift uses automations to send that contact a win-back campaign — and hopefully convince them to rejoin as a member.

Though times are uncertain, Uplift plans to continue supporting their clients and prospects with virtual programs and consistent, relevant communication — powered by ActiveCampaign and Salesforce Essentials.