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marketing automation for healthcare providers

Grow your healthcare practice with Customer Experience Automation

Acquire and retain patients while keeping your office running smoothly and patient satisfaction high.

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant setup.

Fuel your practice’s growth

Customer Experience Automation fuels your practice’s growth with automated 1:1 communications through the entire customer lifecycle. Unlike legacy tools like marketing automation or CRM that solve for one part of the customer experience, ActiveCampaign automates across these to create experiences that drive retention and loyal patients.

Stay connected to your patients

Provide office updates, the latest health blogs, and general information directly to your patients using email and text messages.

Automate pre
 and post appointment communications

From intake forms and appointment reminders to post-appointment feedback, keep your office humming without worrying about repetitive tasks that can be automated.

Connect customers to your online portals to increase patient retention

Send new patients an invitation to your online portal and ensure a smooth onboarding process, with triggered reminders if no action has been taken.

Drive patient confirmations to reduce missed appointments

Reduce lost revenue from no-shows by setting up automated patient appointment reminders. Send a message directly or trigger a task for your office staff to call.

Understand patient satisfaction

Link your survey application to ActiveCampaign and trigger post-appointment survey messages. Get timely patient responses and take action.

Legacy Physical Therapy

Legacy Physical Therapy uses Active Campaign to build trust with patients by customizing outreach and new patient communication.

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Try it now, for free

No credit card required. Instant set-up.

Running a healthcare practice means using a lot of different tools together.

ActiveCampaign integrates with 850+ apps including 10to8, SurveyMonkey, DocuSign, Wordpress, and more.

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The essential tools for healthcare practices

Get the critical capabilities for growth. Everything you need to create unique and scalable customer experiences - zero marketing experience needed.

  • Marketing Automation

    Bring more patients to your practice with the help of automations.

  • Email Marketing

    Send blogs, office updates, appointment reminders and surveys to stay connected to your patients and provide them with updates and information they want to see.

  • HIPPA Compliance

    HIPAA compliant services are available for Enterprise tier customers. Additional terms and conditions apply. Ask more about this.

  • Custom Intake Forms

    Capture new patient inquiries so you can follow up with prospective patients in a timely manner.

  • Advanced reporting

    Measure the growth of your list and practice. Check reports to find new ways to grow and bring on more patients.

  • Segmentation

    Track visits to your website and specific interest areas, then group your audience by commonalities for targeted patient outreach.

  • Facebook Custom Audiences

    Reach your prospective patients with Facebook Ads, targeted using ActiveCampaign segments.

  • Custom Fields

    Set appointment reminders to be triggered based on the date/time of each patient's appointment.

See how it works for your healthcare practice

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.