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Sales Automation for your Martech Stack

Sales automation keeps your team on the same page so nothing slips through the cracks

Close more deals and shorten your sales cycle with the ActiveCampaign CRM. Spend your time on selling, not admin.

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant setup.

See the progress of each lead

Lead scoring lets you put a number to lead engagement. Update scores based on calls, email engagement, and site activity, so you always know which leads are ready to talk to your team.

Create new deals automatically

No more clicking around endlessly to create new deals. Have ActiveCampaign create deals when leads take certain actions—like submitting a form, downloading a lead magnet, or requesting a demo.

Send automated outreach to convert people on the fence

Your salespeople focus on hot leads. But you don’t want to let other leads disappear. Use triggered outreach to nurture leads until they’re ready to get on a sales call.

Notify your team when leads take action

Tell your salespeople when their leads take action. If a lead browses specific pages or puts in a pricing request, send an automatic notification so that your salesperson can follow up directly.

Assign tasks based on lead behavior

Manage your sales team with task assignment. Assign tasks to each member of your sales team based on what happens to their leads. Make sure everyone is always on the same page.

Manage all of your contacts

Keep all of your contact information in a single platform. Check deal history from a mobile app, work out of your personal email account, and automatically update contact details as a deal moves forward.


How CRM and Sales Automation reveal 900 leads a month for McCrindle

"ActiveCampaign allows us to see the big picture where all of our customers are on their journey as well as seeing the granular details of how they are interacting with our marketing content."


New leads every month, consistently


Average campaign open/click rate

Learn more 

See how it works for your sales team

No credit card required. Instant set-up.

Integrate with the sales tools you already use

You should be able to use any sales tool you like. That’s why ActiveCampaign integrates with 870+ different apps, including Calendly and Gmail.

The tools you need to sell more, faster

Pipeline permissions

Control which members of your team can see each sales pipeline.

Chrome extension

Work out of your personal Gmail account using ActiveCampaign information.

Lead scoring

Identify and prioritize your best leads based on how they engage with your business.

Automated task creation

Create tasks for your sales team based on contact clicks, views, and hundreds of other actions.

Notify team members

Keep your team up-to-date and on-the-ball with email reminders and notifications.

Multi-contact deals

Assign a primary contact and add unlimited secondary contacts.

Flexible pipelines

Customize the stages of your pipeline based on the details of your unique sales cycle.

Automated deal creation

Create a new deal record and assign it to a team member as you qualify leads.

Visual pipeline

Quickly see the status of your deals and assess the health of your pipeline.

Collaborate & discuss

Tag your teammates to loop them into a conversation and discuss deals.

Automated pipelines

Use automation to keep your pipeline up to date and reduce record keeping.

Site & event tracking

Know what your deal contacts are doing on your website.

See how it works for your sales team

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.