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Ready to finally turn all those leads into paying customers (on autopilot)?

When it comes to turning your leads into paying customers, nothing beats email marketing.

Unlike every other marketing channel, email has the ability to create valuable, personal touches - at scale.

But it sounds a lot easier than it is. Where do you start? What should your lead nurturing emails say and when (and how) should you send them?

Together, we’ll explore creating personal, helpful touchpoints (at scale) with these free lead nurturing email templates.

What you get:

  • Lead welcome email sequence
  • Lead onboarding email sequence
  • Abandoned cart email sequence
  • Repeat customer lead nurturing email sequence
  • Lead re-engagement email sequence

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What is lead nurturing?

Lead nurturing is a process-driven approach to starting and growing relationships with potential clients and customers at every stage of the sales funnel. 

6 Essential lead nurturing email templates

If you really want to nurture your leads into becoming paying customers and clients, the various sequences have to work together.

Using smart marketing automation, your email marketing becomes a powerhouse employee that knows your leads as individuals, anticipates their questions, counters their objections and always sends the right resources at the right time.

Here are 6 essential lead nurturing email templates that you can start implementing today:

  1. Welcome
  2. Onboarding 
  3. Abandoned cart
  4. Social engagement
  5. Milestone
  6. Holiday

Welcome email sequence

The best welcome email sequences you’ll find, that really kick off the lead nurturing process, include:

  1. The Dinner Party Strategy — Set expectations about what they’ll get and give them a warm welcome into your community
  2. The Expertise Setter — Let them know why it’s valuable to stay subscribed
  3. The I-Make-Genius-Look-Easy Lesson — Teach them to do what you do for your customers and clients.
  4. The Self-Segmenter — Help your leads further segment themselves by their needs and interests so you can send them more relevant emails in the future.

Onboarding email sequence

This is especially important if you have a freemium offering or free trial as a part of your product or service.

As you onboard new leads in an attempt to nurture them into becoming paying customers, there are 3 things you can’t forget:

  1. Give incentives - In any lead nurturing email sequence, you want to creatively sell your product. This could be a time-sensitive discount, or even a paid micro-conversion that allows them to see the value your product or service brings.
  2. Give social proof - Humans are more likely to perform an action when they see others doing the action before them. When a lead is able to see a similar person, in a similar situation, choosing your product or service to solve their needs,they're more likely to purchase.
  3. Give value - Far too often, onboarding looks like showing off all of your product’s features and totally ignores the transformation your customer is looking to get from using your product. Nurture more leads into becoming paying customers by emphasizing the benefits your product brings to their life.

Abandoned cart email sequence

The most effective abandoned cart email sequences include 3 emails:

  1. 1 day later - Send the first reminder
  2. 2 days later - Address objections (internal, external, and product)
  3. 3 days later - Now (and only now) incentivize them with a discount code

Repeat customer email sequence

Once a lead has engaged with your emails, you can use smart marketing automation to encourage them to take deeper actions. For example, you can:

  • Check in to see how they felt about what they engaged with (24-48 hours later)
  • Provide something helpful, such as a buyer’s guide or other product recommendations (72 hours later)

Re-engagement email sequence

You’ve spent a lot of time (and money!) building up your list of leads. But what about when they go stale?

Segment your email list and send an email to leads that haven’t opened emails in a while (or haven’t interacted with them), explaining:

  • That you miss them! They signed up to hear from you and now no longer do. 
  • Remind them WHY they should miss you, too. Show them wins they’ve had with your product, purchases they’ve enjoyed, etc.

Get a sample lead nurturing email sequence template

Your leads are precious. You don’t want to mess up the relationship by sending the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Sure, marketing automation (like ActiveCampaign can help), but if you want to get started TODAY, you need to know what to send.

Make sure you include everything that needs to be there with these free lead nurturing email templates.

Ready to get started?

Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.