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75% of people abandon their shopping carts online. But here’s the good news...

You can get at least 10% of those people to come back and buy, recovering about 63% of your lost sales.

Want better news?

It’s extremely easy to create a set-and-forget system that gets you these results with no extra work.

The goal of a smart abandoned checkout email series isn’t just to get an open and a click, but to remind them of the emotion they had behind the purchase they almost made.

Step 1: Grab the free abandoned checkout email template.

Step 2: Keep reading and we’ll explore how to create abandoned checkout emails that convert.

What you get:

  • Free Abandoned Checkout Email template

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Your new abandoned checkout email strategy

14 Time-tested strategies for abandoned checkout emails include:

  1. Write a refined and aligned subject line 
  2. Focus on mobile optimization
  3. Clear call-to-action (CTA)
  4. Lean into audience-first copywriting
  5. SHOW your product
  6. Use graphics that inspire action
  7. Create a sense of urgency
  8. Offer product alternatives’
  9. Address internal bjections (am I the kind of person who buys this?)
  10. Address external objections (what will others think of this purchase?)
  11. Address product objections (is this product any good?)
  12. Use user-generated content (images), public reviews and social proof
  13. Consider offering a coupon
  14. Keep it SIMPLE

How to write great abandoned cart email subject lines

When it comes to abandoned checkout email subject lines, simpler is better.

What should you include in the subject line of your abandoned checkout email?

  1. Customer name
  2. Company name
  3. Product name
  4. Urgency
  5. Simplicity

Believe it or not, that’s IT.

There’s no reason to be clever and try to get a click based on curiosity. In the case of these kinds of emails, clear beats clever every single time.

Here’s what that might look like in practice:

  • NAME, we’ve saved your cart 🤙
  • Did you forget about me, NAME? 😱
  • Lemme Teleport You Back To Your COMPANY Cart. Free of Charge.
  • NAME, your cart is wondering where you went ❤️
  • COMPANY made me send this reminder 🙂

This email is a reminder. It doesn’t demand or declare. It does not sell hard.

Want even more sales? Consider adding a coupon.

Abandoned cart coupon code ideas (that work)

Much like attempting to be too clever with the email subject line, another mistake that ecommerce businesses make is offering a coupon too soon.

Ever visited a store and wondered why you’re being offered 10% off as soon as you get there?

“Can’t be that great of a product if they’re already discounting it,” you think.

Coupons, whether offered in a site popup or in an abandoned checkout email, are dangerous because they immediately undercut your profit.

In Confessions of an Advertising Man, David Ogilvy writes, “A cut-price offer can induce people to try a brand, but they return to their habitual brands as if nothing had happened.”

So then how do we offer a coupon in a way that increases sales and doesn’t devalue our product or brand?

  • Lean into other psychological sales triggers first, such as free shipping.
  • Offer coupons only to proven customers (you can segment these out easily and automatically in ActiveCampaign)
  • Share discounts only at the end of a longer email sequence.

Get a sample abandoned checkout email template

Now that you understand the why and how behind creating great Abandoned Checkout Email, it’s time to plug it into a proven template.

This is the EXACT same template ActiveCampaign users implement when they set up their abandoned checkout automations.

Download our free guide and template at the top of this page.

Want to get started right away? Plug these abandoned cart email templates right into your ActiveCampaign account.

Ready to get started?

Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.