You’ve likely heard that ActiveCampaign is the leader in customer experience automation (CXA) time and again, but what’s important to us is that we actually walk the walk. At ActiveCampaign, we’re passionate about our customers’ success, and truly want every user to have a platform that works for them. The best way we know how to ensure the platform is one that actually delivers what it promises, is to use it for ourselves. 

Our company has seen amazing growth in the last several years. Everyday, there are hundreds of ActiveCampaign-ers who leverage our CXA platform across marketing, sales, and support to drive growth and engage with customers across the entire lifecycle. 

At ActiveCampaign, we drink our own champagne … and then ask for more

While we may have gotten our start by supporting small businesses with email and CRM, we’ve grown into a CXA platform  that is equipped to help any size business in any industry drive growth. Which is why we have over 150,000 customers using ActiveCampaign to create amazing experiences for their customers every day. 

How do we prove we can handle any size business from a solopreneur to an enterprise-level corporation? At over 900 employees strong, we are a living and breathing example of a rapidly scaling B2B company that uses ActiveCampaign and the power of CXA day in and day out to connect with customers and grow our own business. 

When ActiveCampaign started in 2003, you could count the total number of employees on one hand. Flash forward to 2021 and we have almost 1,000 employees all over the world, with hubs in Chicago, Indianapolis, Dublin, and Sydney. Throughout that entire time, we have used our own platform to connect with customers, move deals through sales stages, manage customer relationships, drive unique customer experiences, and more. We are proof that the ActiveCampaign platform is capable of growing and scaling alongside growing businesses to help drive meaningful customer experiences as well.

Our teams use the platform for dozens of use cases. 

  • Our sales and success teams use the CRM everyday to manage conversations, move customers across pipelines, support customers, and drive expansion opportunities.
  • Our email marketing team sends routine messages to existing customers about product updates, webinars, and other company news.
  • Our lifecycle marketing team creates intricate, relevant nurture sequences for segments of our existing customers, trials, and churned users to engage them with interesting content and promotions to drive expansion, adoption, and retention.
  • Our success and support teams utilize the CRM in combination with key integrations to provide proactive support and communicate with users who have questions or need help getting started with CXA. 

We don’t just sell customer experience automation, we live it, and we believe that our ability to succeed is tied to our ability to deliver connected experiences and leveraging automation through our own solution. 

How do we grow using customer experience automation

“Customer experience automation accelerates business growth with automated 1:1 communications that connect across all channels and through the entire customer lifecycle.”

Okay…that sounds great and everything, but what does it mean for our customers? 

Today’s consumers are hyper-connected not only to one another, but to the brands and businesses they interact with. Whether they shop online or in store, engage on social media or peruse review sites for feedback, they have a lot of power. Everything is  available at their fingertips, and the only thing that really lets one company stand out from another is the experience they deliver. 

“48% of customers who had a negative experience told 10 or more others.” 

– Harvard Business Review

Most small businesses fail in the first five years, and it’s due to the simple fact that it’s hard to grow and scale while still providing the bespoke 1:1 experiences that consumers now expect. Those are the same experiences that made your favorite business successful in the first place, but how does a business continue those experiences as they grow? CXA steps in here to automate those experiences across email, chat, SMS, and websites, whether they have 50, or 5 million customers. 

It’s all about understanding where in the customer’s lifecycle and journey to engage them on a certain channel, with a certain message. As mentioned, we have a number of use cases where we send customers emails with fun content, or engage them 1:1 for an upsell opportunity. Either way we do it, we consider where the customer is in their journey so we provide the right message at the right time, and on the right channel to inspire whatever action is needed. 

Reach & Engage: Through a myriad of channels and methods, we target specific audiences with the right message to pique their interest and help them understand what customer experience automation can do for their growing business. 

Nurture & Educate: We continually grow the relationships we have with different audiences by guiding them to the right information as they begin to learn more about CXA. We demonstrate how the ActiveCampaign platform will help them with their specific goals.

Convert & Close: Once our audience is primed with an understanding of ActiveCampaign and CXA’s benefits, we engage them with a hyper-focused message and call-to-action that inspires them to sign up on the perfect plan for them. Through the power of automation, our sales team knows when human touch will be the most beneficial and can choose to step in when it will be the most impactful.

Support & Grow: The relationship building doesn’t stop once a business becomes our customer. We need to make sure each customer is going to be properly supported and can grow with the platform as their business grows. At this stage, we send relevant product education and strategy content to make sure customers can get the most out of the platform  and provide support across channels, all while driving customer reviews and publishing examples of customer success. We also support relationships by finding growth opportunities to move up plan tiers when there is a need for more robust functionality.

It’s easier said than done to seamlessly engage with customers across all of our teams through different channels with unique content and timing, it’s even harder to do so and maintain the level of personalization each customer now expects. 

Our customers are our best advocates 

What’s a trade secret of scaling a successful business? Impress your customers so much with a superior experience that they want to sing your praises and tell the world. The goal of any business is to acquire new customers and retain existing ones. Of course that takes time and concerted effort to continuously provide amazing customer experiences.

One way we prove our product’s efficacy as a B2B company is through robust customer stories. We are constantly inspired by our customers and jump at the chance to tell their stories. Highlighting the ways our customers are growing their business through the power of CXA is wonderful validation of ActiveCampaign and why we are in business in the first place: to help companies grow through exceptional customer experiences.

Our platform is broad and full of features, so our customer stories highlight any number of use cases in multiple industries, and showcase different levels of product usage and maturity. We use these stories in emails, social media, sales conversations, and more. We let our customers’ success speak for itself and allow our customers to, in a way, sell for us. 

Some of our best customer stories highlight specific growth metrics, or customer retention rates, and even recovered revenue that otherwise would have been lost without the help of CXA. As you gather your own reviews, testimonials, quotes, or stories, it’s important to keep in mind that audiences might be diverse, so gather feedback that showcases the many benefits of your own business. 

Excited to see more? Stay tuned for more updates and stories of how our amazing team utilizes the ActiveCampaign platform to drive growth and offer a better experience for our own users!