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Never miss your sales goals again

If you want your sales team to be successful, aligning on actual results isn’t optional.

In fact, the sales reporting may become just as important as your close rate.

In this template, you’ll be able to track, align and forecast your team around all of the metrics that matter, including the one that matters most: revenue generated.

What you get:

  • Weekly sales report template

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What is a weekly sales report?

Weekly sales reports are tools that business entities use to monitor their sales and track key performance indicators (KPIs). Some KPIs include lead conversion ratio, total sales per region, lead-to-opportunity ratio, and sales volume by channel.

Tracking them each week provides a sweet spot where you can correct the course of your sales and see meaningful outcomes from your work. The sales department should create these reports to help guide company decisions concerning forecasting, salary, development, and hiring.

The ideal report is clear, concise, and filled with relevant information. If you feel stumped on creating one, you can use this weekly sales report template until you adjust to the model.

How to Create a Weekly Sales Report

When creating a weekly sales report, try to keep these tips in mind.

Know Your Audience

Sales data is crucial to the company’s development, but pages of numbers and technical jargon will dissuade corporate leaders from using the report. By sticking to the necessary details, you can ensure that valuable points get across. 

Ask yourself these questions to determine the purpose of your weekly sales report:

  • Does the production and distribution of a specific product depend on its sales performance?
  • Will it influence the next sales campaign?
  • Will the company hire employees if the market performance dictates a need for more people?
  • Are you trying to decide the best marketing strategy to boost sales?
  • Are you making enough sales to continue operations as usual?

Once you uncover the purpose, you can tailor the report to include the vital data needed to answer the questions posed. You may need to create multiple statements if they go to different departments or separate sections within the same report.

Choose Relevant Metrics

Since you want to focus the report on specific information, you will need to choose relevant KPIs. You can also easily update the columns in the sales report template above with your most relevant metrics.

Some metrics you may wish to use are:

  • Sales volume by channel
  • Number of outbound calls
  • Cross-sell and upsell rates
  • Sales opportunity score
  • Revenue closed by a representative
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Client meetings attended by a representative
  • Average purchase value
  • Lead conversion ratio
  • Opportunity-to-win ratio by a representative
  • Total sales by region
  • Rate of return
  • Sales opportunity report
  • Sales KPI report
  • Sales conversion report
  • Sales cycle length report
  • Sales performance report
  • Sales and order report

You do not need to include all of these, but research the ones you feel are most relevant for your weekly sales report to integrate them into your findings.

Stay Organized

Unless you only report to number fanatics, you will want to organize the information into neat infographics, charts, graphs, and tables. These visual representations clearly show the sales impact, and the average person can understand the data presented.

Keeping the report organized with plenty of images makes it easier to read and helps people pay attention. Try to reduce technical language as well and keep things in layman’s terms where possible.

Add an Executive Summary

At the beginning of the report, include an executive summary of the most significant insights. Not everyone has time to read the file thoroughly, so a summary will convey what they need to know until they can go through the rest.

You will need to write the summary after finishing the report, so don’t forget this crucial step!

Weekly Sales Report Template: Free Download

Fortunately, plenty of free templates are available for you to use, including the one you can download above.

Some benefits of using a weekly sales report template include:

  • Combining information from different departments into one report
  • Getting reminders to submit your data before the due date
  • Automatically fill in your name, data, and report
  • Customize an easy-to-read layout that you can use each week
  • Spend less time recording data throughout the year by combining the weekly reports into a monthly, quarterly, or annual one
  • Readily share the status reports by email, printed PDF, or online view

How to Make Status Reporting 10x Easier

If you downloaded the weekly sales report template and feel stuck, fear no more. Follow these steps to make status reporting infinitely easier.

Begin by creating a “Project Status Report.” You can use one of the preloaded forms or make a new one that matches your needs. If you want your coworkers to get notified when they need to submit, you can set up automatic reminders

Then, you use the “Participants” tab to decide who submits the reports. The submitter can press “Open Submission Form” to view the template. They input the necessary information before submitting it. The name, date, and report type fill in instantly, and other participants can view the report live.

If you plan on printing the report, you can generate a PDF that contains all the information you submitted. Then, you can print and distribute it to the rest of the recipients.

Align your entire sales org with this weekly samples report template

You don’t need to be afraid of setting up a weekly sales report. It may seem complicated at first, but with a free template, the right software, and some helpful reminders, you can track your sales with ease. After all, the best way to grow your business is by knowing how much business you actually do!

Ready to get started?

Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.