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Looking to estimate the cost of a website design project? Look no further.

Are you looking to get budget approval for a website design or redesign project?

Download this re-brandable website design budget and easily customize it in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to estimate the cost of a website design or redesign.

This website design budget will help you:

  • Outline key web development costs
  • Increase the chances of budget approval
  • Save you hours on formatting

Get ready to deliver results with this free website budget template.

What you get:

  • Website budget template

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Website budgeting tips

The first question that comes to mind immediately following the phrase “website design” is “how much will it cost?”

The cost of creating a website varies on the size, functionality, business goals, etc. Depending on those variables, websites can cost anywhere from $2,000 for a basic marketing website to over $200,000 for a completely custom front and back-end website experience.

Your budget will also have a big impact on the quality of team and technology you’re able to work with.

3 quick tips on creating the right website budget for your business: 

  1. BE SPECIFIC with agencies and developers for what you want. Determine important requirements, identify target audience, and how you want your website to look. 
  2. Be prepared for additional expenses - there are often unexpected things that come up during the redesign and creation process. It’s better to propose a higher budget than to be under, as extra padding can help in these scenarios.
  3. Factor in ongoing maintenance costs - websites require ongoing maintenance, make sure this is included in your budget. 

Want to shortcut this process? Here’s the features you want in a website budget template.

Website budget template features

Here is a rough breakdown of the most important parts of a website budget analysis:

  • Initial Investment in Web Site
    • Hardware (e.g., servers)
    • Software (e.g., e-commerce catalog software)
    • Development (e.g., third-party site design and development)
    • Total Initial Investments
  • Benefits from Website
    • Direct sales
    • Incremental sales resulting from enhanced promotional/salesperson effectiveness
    • Incremental sales resulting from increased partner participation
    • Reduced travel costs
    • Reduced customer service costs
    • Reduced printing and shipping costs
  • Costs (Excluding Initial Capital Investments)
    • Cost of sales
    • Maintenance
    • Project management, customer support
    • Online advertising, search-engine registration
    • Depreciation on capital expenditures (calculation uses three-year period)
    • Hosting, domain-name registration
    • General and administrative (e.g., rent, insurance, exec. salaries)
  • Totals
    • Net Benefits (Costs)
    • Tax
    • Value after tax
    • Depreciation added back
    • Cash flow
    • Cumulative cash flow
  • Evaluation Metrics
    • Net present value (NPV)
    • Internal rate of return (IRR)
    • Payback period (in years)

Get a free website budget template

Now that you understand the main parts of the website budget, you’ll be able to quickly input your data, calculate and project numbers for a more accurate budget.

With the ability to quickly view your entire website budget on one screen will allow you to move quickly and make adjustments on the fly.

Get started immediately with this website budget template.

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Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.