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Tripwire Marketing


Tripwire marketing is the practice of offering leads a low-cost product with the intention of selling them more expensive products later.

Tripwire marketing is a common practice intended to increase first customer acquisition. The theory behind marketing tripwires is that higher-cost purchases result in higher friction and reduced willingness to pay (WTP).

How dooes tripwire marketing work?

Once a lead has become a customer, they are more likely to become a customer again – and starting with a low-cost product makes more leads more likely to become customers.

After a tripwire offer is accepts, tripwire customers typically get segmented into a separate list, which allows for more targeted marketing campaigns and upsells.

How do I create a tripwire?

  • Pull together all of your products and services
  • Discover which gets the most initial sales
  • Consider creating a more minimal viable product (MVP) version that costs less, but still retains most of the value
  • Use paid media to show the tripwire product to new customers
  • Send email drip campaigns to customers who buy the tripwire item for them to consider more purchases

What are examples of tripwire marketing?

Most commonly, marketers offer a product for free, plus shipping. The "shipping" price almost always covers the cost of shipping and the product production, allowing the business to convert a new customer for free. Often, the "shipping" price will also offset advertising costs.

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