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GDPR Information

The General Data Protection Regulation took effect on May 25, 2018. Here’s what you need to know.

Disclaimer: The contents of this web page do not constitute legal advice. This page is for informational purposes only, and we strongly encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to understand how your organization needs to comply with the GDPR.

Learn how to set up opt-in confirmation

Enabling double opt-in is a best practice that may help you comply with the affirmative consent requirements of the GDPR. When double opt-in is enabled, contacts will need to confirm their email address before receiving further communications.

You can learn how to enable double opt-in in this help center document.

Familiarize yourself with how to edit and delete contacts

Under the GDPR, contacts have the right to request correction or deletion of their data. Familiarizing yourself with how to edit and delete contact information may help you comply with such requests once the GDPR takes effect.

You can use our help docs to learn how to manage contact information and delete contacts.

Familiarize yourself with how to export contact data

The right to data portability and right of access enable contacts to request their personal data. Exporting contact data can help you comply with these requests.

You can learn how to export contact data in this help center document.

Learn how to add personal data usage statements to your opt-in forms

The GDPR requires that you tell people how you will be using their personal data when you collect it. This is part of the new affirmative consent requirements.

Although the exact statements you need to include depend on how you use the data, you can include any statements you like by using an HTML block in your ActiveCampaign forms.

Additionally, you can use custom fields to add an additional check box that indicates explicit consent. Learn how to add custom fields in this help center document.

Delete contacts and lists you no longer need

The GDPR is intended to protect the privacy of data subjects, which includes minimizing the risk that data can be misused. It may make sense to delete unsubscribed contacts and lists you no longer use, to reduce risk.

You can learn the differences between contact statuses, and how to delete contacts, in our help center documentation.