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You need to put in a tremendous amount of effort to differentiate yourself in the eyes of your customers.

Good news: Email marketing is the best way to accomplish this goal because you can directly communicate with potential customers, segmenting and personalizing your messaging along the way.

Want to get started right now? Check out these free SaaS email templates.

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Top 10 SaaS Email Templates

However, sending effective emails that convert isn't as easy as it sounds. It requires careful testing and hours of work. Think about the emails you received this week. How many of the marketing emails did you actually read? Realistically, almost all emails from businesses instantly end up in the trash folder because grabbing your customer's attention is a difficult task. To create effective emails, you must strike just the right balance of: 

  • An intriguing title
  • An interesting deal
  • Attractive pictures or videos
  • A compelling call to action.

Here are ten SaaS email templates that you can use to help you promote your SaaS business and acquire new customers:

1. Promotional Emails

The fundamental goal of promotional emails is to convince your customers to sign up for your product. The key to writing a successful promotional or onboarding email is being straightforward with your subscribers and focusing on the benefits of your product. Ensure that the text in the email doesn't appear cluttered in the form of long paragraphs. If you want to describe your product in detail, format your writing in a way that is brief and easy to read. 

Ideally, these types of the email should make your customer think, "this product might actually be useful for me." To create this notion, you should: 

  • Create an eye-catching design using graphics and colors
  • Concisely describe product benefits
  • Keep text brief 

2. Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are as simple as the name suggests: you are welcoming your customers to your business and product. These emails act as a first impression, so you will need to build a sense of trust with your potential customers, convey the values of your business to create a connection, and, finally, foreshadow future communications. The goal here is to create a strong, hopefully long-term, relationship rather than immediately sell your product. You can do this by:

  • Sharing a little about your business and products or services
  • Setting the stage for future emails
  • Not pushing for a sale

3. Account Verification Emails

Almost all of us have received an account verification email at some point in our lives. These emails are a part of the signup process for many companies. These can be a great opportunity to connect with your customers but make sure that you don't clutter your text with unnecessary information about your product or service. Consider including: 

  • A limited amount of promotional information to avoid sounding spammy
  • A few pictures or videos to add interest

4. Thank You Emails

Thank you emails help you build a closer relationship with your customers. These emails create the impression that your business cares about its customers and is happy to be a part of their lives. Similar to other templates, thank you emails should also be straightforward:

  • Thank your customers for purchasing your products and being a part of your business
  • Make your customers feel valued
  • You may also include special links such as limited-time specials, promotional offers, or referral links

5. Free Trial Emails

Free trial emails are an excellent way to sell your products. After all, who wouldn't want a free product that could potentially make their lives easier, right? After users agree to a free trial plan, they are much more likely to become paying customers in the future since they already tried your product. 

Similar to the previous templates, free trial emails shouldn't look spammy and should be well formatted. Convincing the recipients to partake in your free trial is your primary goal. To accomplish this: 

  • Convey the message clearly
  • Convince your audience to try out your product
  • Make the call to action button engaging

6. Retention or Reminder Emails

These emails play a significant role in convincing your current free trial members to upgrade to paid plans. Obviously, not all free trial members will convert into customers. However, you can increase the chances of this happening by composing a straight-to-the-point email that conveys the benefits of upgrading and becoming a paid customer. Do this by: 

  • Keeping your message short
  • Focusing on product or service benefits
  • Including any available promotions that may further entice customers to convert

7. Newsletter Emails

It is best to regularly communicate with your clients to create stronger and lasting relationships.  Newsletters help you build this connection by keeping your customers engaged with your brand. These emails can cover various subjects like:

  • Product-related information
  • News about your business
  • Information about the industry
  • A new promotion that might benefit your customers

8. Webinar Invitation Emails

Webinars are one of the best approaches to connect with potential clients and directly communicate with them. Don't forget to send emails to your subscribers, letting them know about any upcoming webinar events for them to register. Ensure you include:

  • The webinar topic
  • Date and time
  • Speakers
  • A registration link

9. Referral Emails

Referrals should be an essential part of your growth strategy because it is one of the best ways to boost your sales. These emails should ideally excite your reader about the potential benefits of referring their friends or family to your company. You can do this by:

  • Reminding your customers of key product benefits
  • Offering a referral reward
  • Including a call to action to share your brand with others

10. Product Update Emails

Convey any updates about your products or services to your subscribers to keep them in the loop. The best way to do this is

  • Combine items with promotions to increase sales
  • Use attractive images and graphics
  • Articulate benefits

Using these Sass email templates is a great starting point to reach your target customers and grow your business. Try out one of them today, and get ready to watch your sales increase!

Get more customers with these free SaaS email templates

Today, the number of SaaS (Software as a Service) organizations is growing rapidly due to the success of this business model. Its rising popularity has led to a market with hundreds of competitors selling similar services. This is a significant issue for incoming businesses with the same model. 

If you have a SaaS business to grow, you probably know what a difficult task this is due to the saturated and competitive nature of the market. 

Let’s shortcut the effort (and automate your marketing) with these free SaaS email templates.

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