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GDPR Information

The General Data Protection Regulation took effect on May 25, 2018. Here’s what you need to know.

Disclaimer: The contents of this web page do not constitute legal advice. This page is for informational purposes only, and we strongly encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to understand how your organization needs to comply with the GDPR.

What’s the Main Takeaway?

ActiveCampaign customers can continue to confidently use our platform in the knowledge that we have rolled out a new Data Processing Addendum (the “DPA”) to the ActiveCampaign Terms of Service that takes the invalidation of the Privacy Shield framework by the Court of Justice for the European Union (the “CJEU”) into account.

[NEW] We are pleased to offer the new Standard Contractual Clauses (the “New SCCs”) to our customers. The New SCCs are approved for international transfers by the European Commission under the GDPR. Customers can access and sign ActiveCampaign’s DPA which incorporates the New SCCs by following the links within the settings of their ActiveCampaign accounts.

What Happened to Privacy Shield?

On July 16, 2020, Europe's highest court, the CJEU, invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield as an appropriate mechanism for transferring EU personal data to the United States, which ActiveCampaign had previously been relying on.

Like all other companies impacted by this decision, we are monitoring the situation closely as the United States and European authorities work to negotiate a successor regime for transcontinental transfers and as European authorities consider practical guidance to companies previously relying on the Privacy Shield framework. We may update this page if additional guidance is offered. For the time being, ActiveCampaign will also continue to protect EEA, UK, and Swiss data in compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles to which it continues to self-certify compliance. 

What Steps Has ActiveCampaign Taken?

Although the CJEU’s decision creates great uncertainty regarding the transfer of EU personal data through any data transfer mechanism to the United States, in an effort to provide customers with an alternative mechanism to transfer EU personal data to the United States, ActiveCampaign has updated its Data Processing Addendum (the "DPA") and has made available to customers the Standard Contractual Clauses (the "SCCs"), which were generally upheld by the CJEU, for execution. We have also included some "supplemental measures" to the SCCs following the guidance provided by the CJEU opinion.

What are the New SCCs?

On June 4, 2021, the European Commission adopted a new set of SCCs for international data transfers (the "New SCCs"). The New SCCs will replace the SCCs which were adopted under the GDPR's predecessor, the Data Protection Directive (the “Old SCCs”) and are intended to align with the new requirements in the GDPR and the CJEU's decision, as discussed above.

EU customers who have already executed the Old SCCs with ActiveCampaign will have 18 months to migrate to the New SCCs and can accordingly continue to use the Old SCCs until December 27, 2022. The UK is still accepting the Old SCCs.

How Can Customers Access the New Documents?

Customers can access and sign the updated DPA and the relevant set of SCCs by following the links within the settings of their ActiveCampaign accounts. 

If you executed a DPA with ActiveCampaign prior to the CJEU's decision or the European Commission’s adoption of the New SCCs, you can execute the new DPA which will supersede and replace the prior DPA, effective as of the date of execution, as noted in the DPA.

If your business is unaffected by the CJEU's determination or the New SCCs, if you do not need a DPA or the New SCCs, or, if you have an existing DPA or set of SCCs with ActiveCampaign and wish to leave the terms of that agreement unmodified, then you do not need to take additional action.

If you are a current or prospective customer and wish to review the terms of the DPA or SCCs, you can view templates of each document here: DPA, New SCCs and Old SCCs

Please note, if you are an ActiveCampaign reseller, affiliate, or agency partner, please contact ActiveCampaign support for a partner specific DPA.