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What if you could raise your prices AND get more customers?

Almost every business reaches a point where it needs to raise prices.

But what if all your customers leave?

What if nobody wants to buy your products, or pay you for your services any more?

What if you ruin everything you’ve worked so hard to build just because of a small price increase?

Truth is, whether you’re a freelancer, consultant, ecommerce store or software company, you may end up gaining more customers than you lose!

You just have to do it RIGHT.

If you want to quickly and effectively handle the delicate situation of raising your prices, you can’t afford to miss these price increase email templates.

What you get:

  • Price increase template for freelancers
  • Price increase template for ecommerce
  • Price increase template for software companies

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3 Essential price increase email templates

1. Price increase for freelancers, consultants and agencies

The most important things to mention in a price increase email for freelancers are:

  • Highlights from the existing relationship
  • Results you’ve helped achieve together (focus on together)
  • Why you’re raising your prices (likely based on results you’ve achieved and how increasing the price allows you to further increase results)
  • What your rates will increase to
  • When your rates will increase
  • Ask: Is this still within your budget?
  • Offer to answer any questions about your rate increase

2. Price increase for ecommerce stores

The most important things to mention in a price increase email for ecommerce stores are:

  • Thank them for choosing the specific products they’ve purchased from you
  • Remind them of the benefits they’ve likely seem from purchasing and using your products
  • Let them know you are increasing your prices to better improve your products (this can be positioned as discontinuing an existing, inferior product line)
  • Let them know the benefits of the improved product offering
  • Let them know when the new product line will launch and what the new prices will be

3. Price increase for SaaS and software

The most important things to mention in a price increase email for SaaS and software companies are:

  • Highlights from the existing relationship
  • Results you’ve helped achieve together with your software (focus on together)
  • Why you’re raising your prices (likely based on results they’ve achieved and how increasing the price allows you to further increase their results with new features)
  • The new features you’ll be adding to the software
  • The benefits of the new features that you’ll be adding
  • What your prices will increase to
  • When your prices will increase

Segmenting your price increase emails

With tools like ActiveCampaign, you can segment your audience and send different messages to them based on their past experience with your products and services. Two groups you absolutely must segment during a price increase event are:

  1. Loyal customers — Focus the email, with specifics if you can, on all of the great benefits they’ve seen from your business over the time they’ve been loyal customers. Use that to bridge into the price increase and continue your mission to better serve them.
  2. Free users — Incentivizing free users to upgrade to a paid plan now, in lieu of a pending price increase, is a great motivator and you will likely see an uptick in recurring revenue as a result.

Get a sample price increase email template

Raising your prices is risky. You don’t want to mess up the relationship you’ve built with your customers by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Make sure you say the right thing at the right time with these price increase email templates.

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Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.