Notify When A Sales Deal Has Not Closed Automation Recipe
You have your lead nurturing plan and it all leads up to an anticipated sales deal close date. But sometimes things don't go according to plan. And as you handle several deals at once, it's hard to know exactly where everyone is in their various pipeline stages without a little reminder.
That's why automation exists.
The Notify When A Sales Deal Has Not Closed Automation Recipe exists to give you that reminder.
This automation recipe alerts your deal owner when a deal has not closed by the anticipated close date. This prompts the deal owner to do 1 of 3 things:
1. Double down their efforts to win the deal
2. Mark the deal as a cold lead
3. Mark the deal as lost
Based on the choice, a tag is to indicate that the deal exceeded the forecasted timeline so that the expected close time can be realistically adjusted. Before you import this automation recipe, build a date-based custom deal field for the expected close date.
How does the notify when a sales deal has not closed automation work?
Here's how the notify when a sales deal has not closed automation works:
1. Contact enters any pipeline: This automation triggers when a contact enters any pipeline. The contact stays in the automation for the duration of their planned pipeline schedule.
2. Contact arrives at the wait step: After the contact enters the pipeline, they will be at the wait step until the Expected Close Date and then move through to see if it is still an open deal.
3. IF/ELSE condition decides the contact's next step: When the contact arrives at the expected close date, the automation will note whether they are marked won or lost. If the deal is marked Won, they exit the automation. If it goes past the expected close date, they continue.
4. A team member is notified: If the contact continues in the automation as an open deal, a notification goes to the deal owner to evaluate the stage and decide the next steps.
5. Tag added to note the number of deals like this: This tag is added so you can later see how many deals went past the expected time to close, regardless of status. This allows your team to determine a realistic close time and improve your sales model.
What do you need to use the notify when a sales deal has not closed automation recipe?
Just an ActiveCampaign account, a custom deal field for the expected close date, and a tag.
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