In the past few years, we’ve released Deep Data Integrations with Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. These integrations pull the information from your ecommerce platform into platform—so that you can use that information to customize your marketing for each contact.

How? With this information, you can trigger automations and customize campaigns based on what people do in your store. That means you can segment based on things like:

  • Product purchases
  • Customer lifetime value (abbreviated as LTV or CLTV)
  • Last product ordered (category and price)
  • Order dates and times
  • Total products ordered

And tons of others.

You can use this data to customize your automations in as many ways as you can think of. To get you started, we built 8 ecommerce automations that you can import directly into your account.

  1. Gather feedback after purchase
  2. Ask for a review after a purchase
  3. Post-purchase follow-up
  4. Store last purchase date
  5. Reminder to re-purchase a consumable
  6. Send a notification when a product is purchased
  7. Reward customers on fifth purchase or customer lifetime value
  8. Abandoned cart for Deep Data Integrations

1. Gather feedback after purchase

Asking for feedback after a purchase lets you proactively address customer concerns.

By asking for feedback, you may learn about:

  • An annoyance during the checkout process
  • Discrepancies in expectations on shipping times
  • If you’re providing enough customer onboarding

Your unhappy customers will help you improve your business and your happy customers will give you testimonials you can leverage to make your marketing more effective.

This automation sends a campaign seven days after purchase asking for feedback—but you can customize the send time to be whatever makes sense for your business.

2. Ask for a review after a purchase

Reviews can be powerful social proof. It shows that people trust your store or recommend particular products. They also keep people on your site, instead of third-party review sites.

This automation asks people to review your product 14 days  after making a purchase. You can adjust the amount of time that passes before you email them by editing the “Wait” action—and you could have this automation play off of the last one. When a customer gives you positive feedback, trigger this automation.

3. Post-purchase follow up

After someone purchases a product from you, you can use an automation to help them get the most out of their purchase.

Also known as an onboarding sequence, this automation lets you make the new customer aware of resources available to them (e.g. help documents and support channels).

This workflow is triggered by a purchase and delivers a series of messages.

It includes some suggested topics, but you can add whatever messages make sense for your business.

4. Store last purchase date

This simple automation stores the date of the last purchase. This is useful for triggering other automations based on the date of last purchase. The next automation uses this date field to remind someone it’s time to make another purchase.

You can set an “Advanced” condition on this automation’s trigger so that it only stores the date of a certain product. Here’s how that might look.

Before importing this automation, create a custom date field. If it’s for the last purchase in general, you might call it “Date of last purchase” or, if you’re only storing the date for a certain product, you could call it “Product name purchase date.”

5. Reminder to re-purchase a consumable

If you have a product that gets “used up” and needs to be replenished, you can send a reminder campaign when it’s time to reorder. This helps you decrease the time between purchases and increase customer lifetime value.

This automation is triggered by a date field (that you could store using the previous automation). You’ll need a custom date field that stores the date of last purchase.

Note that this automation could be used for any ecommerce situation, regardless of whether it’s a consumable. You might just set it up to send an incentive to make another purchase after 90 days without a purchase to reactivate old customers.

6. Send a notification when a product is purchased

You may want to receive notifications when certain products are purchased, or you may need to notify an employee or third-party (like as a drop-shipper) to get an item in the mail.

This simple automation sends a notification that will attach details about the contact who made the purchase. You can specify which products trigger the automation by adding an “Advanced” condition onto the trigger.

7. Reward customers on fifth purchase or customer lifetime value

You may want to reward your best customers to cement their loyalty to your company and encourage them to spread the word.

This automation is triggered by the fifth purchase, but it could just as easily be triggered by a certain revenue amount by modifying the “Advanced” condition on the trigger.

8. Abandoned cart for Deep Data Integrations

abandoned cart automation

Deep Data Integrations and our abandoned cart feature let you use a clean, simple automation to increase sales.

The abandoned cart automation is triggered by a visit to your store’s cart page and sends an email if there hasn’t been a purchase after a day.

Get abandoned cart automation

Interested in more automations? We have over 30 automations you can import and start using immediately. You can sign up for a free trial here and begin improving your sales and marketing processes.