Follow these steps to get started with automations
What’s the fastest way to get started with ActiveCampaign automation? Automations are powerful, and can help you get more done in less time. Follow these steps to learn how to use ActiveCampaign’s automation builder — and start automating your business.
Get introduced to the drag-and-drop automations builder
Build your step-by-step processes in automations, and bring your whiteboard plans to life. Learn how to use the drag-and-drop automation builder, where you build and manage the personalized customer journeys your customers will follow.
You’ll learn:
- What you can use to trigger an automation, and how to set up start triggers
- The many types of action blocks, from sending an email to updating contact records
- Create an automation complete with start triggers, wait steps, email sends, and personalization opportunities

Drag and drop automations
Let's buildLearn about the 20+ triggers you can use to automate
What action kicks off your customer journeys? From form submissions to website browsing actions, understand what you can use to trigger an automation.
You’ll learn:
- The 20+ triggers you can use to automate your business
- 3 steps to choosing and setting up start figures

Trigger automations
Learn moreGet started (or inspired) with a pre-made automation recipe
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Curious to see tried and true automations that work? Check out our automation recipes, and import automations that you can personalize to fit your need from the ActiveCampaign Marketplace
Inside the ActiveCampaign Marketplace, you can find:
- 250+ pre-built automation recipes created by ActiveCampaign, ActiveCampaign partners, and ActiveCampaign customers like you
- Filtering options that let you browse recipes by experience level, industry, features included, or business need
- Detailed automation recipe descriptions and recipe suggestions on every page
- Opportunities to contribute your own recipes, based on experience from your business

Get cooking with recipes
Explore recipesLearn if/else, goal steps, and other advanced automation actions
Building a personalized customer experience requires multiple paths for contacts to travel, based on their interests and actions. But what types of actions can you respond to?
You’ll learn:
- How to send an automated email
- How to create if/else statements, building dynamic yes/no paths based on contact actions
- How to set up goal steps so automations listen to the actions of each individual, creating win conditions that pull them to completion
Automate each stage of the customer lifecycle
The “marketing funnel” is outdated. You need to be able to serve your customers at every stage of their relationship with you — even after they’ve made a purchase. This webinar will show you how to forget the funnel and focus on your entire customer lifecycle.
You’ll learn:
- Why shifting your focus from the funnel to the lifecycle will transform the way you do business
- How to use Customer Experience Automation (CXA) to grow your business
- Why actionable data is the key to CXA (and how to get more of it!)
- How to pinpoint where your customer interactions are happening (and automate them)
Automate across every tool you use in your business
ActiveCampaign automations are powerful. But they become even more powerful when you can connect ActiveCampaign to the tools you’re already using in your business. ActiveCampaign has hundreds of integrations, so that you can create a truly connected customer lifecycle.
You’ll learn:
- The top integrations that successful businesses connect to ActiveCampaign
- How to quickly get started with integrations