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Link Baiting


Link baiting is the creation of content with the singular purpose of getting people to link to it. The goal of link baiting is to create as many inbound links to a website as possible.

Link bait content is material that others want to link to on their own, not content that you ask anyone to link to or share.

Examples of popular link bait formats include:

  • Infographics
  • Original research
  • Statistics roundups
  • Influencer roundups

Why do link building?

Google tells webmasters, "In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages." Thus, link building is still the fastest and most sustainable way to improve your rankings in Google search results.

What is backlink acquisition?

Backlink acquisition is the process of getting other websites to link back to yours with the goal of improving visibiltiy and discoverability in search engines.

How do I get more backlinks to my website?

One smart link building strategy is to compile a list of the top 100 websites that you'd like to earn a link from. Then, build relationships with the people behind those sites and when it makes sense, ask to write for them. This practice is also known as guest blogging.

Is link building dead?

Absolutely not. Link building has changed over the years, but it is far from dead. With Google's algorithm still heavily dependent on links as a core SEO ranking factor, it's unlikely to die any time soon.

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