Today, ActiveCampaign announces Pages, a tool that lets you create on-brand, high-converting landing pages in minutes.

Landing pages are one of ActiveCampaign’s most-requested features. ActiveCampaign customers have asked for landing pages because they want to:

  • Quickly capture leads with gated content
  • Test a new idea without building a whole website
  • Convert more traffic from Facebook ads and PPC campaigns
  • Announce courses, communities, or masterminds
  • Collect pre-registrations for upcoming products
  • Capture the info needed to deliver great customer experiences

Pages are part of the ActiveCampaign platform, so you can create landing pages that are fully integrated with customer experience automation. This means you can use all the information you have about your customers’ preferences to build perfectly-timed, relevant customer experiences right into your landing pages.

That means you can capture more leads, grow your audience, and build more repeat business.

You can now use Pages along with a powerful suite of marketing channels to connect with customers in email, web chat, SMS, and social media. Wherever your customers are, you can reach them.

What makes ActiveCampaign landing pages different?

“I’m so impressed with Pages! Compared to the email landing pages that I’ve used before (ConvertKit, MailerLite, Mailchimp), this is so far the best one.” – Mariam Tsaturyan, Founder, Freelance & Marketing, Pages beta customer

ActiveCampaign Pages are designed to be easy to use and look beautiful. They also plug directly into ActiveCampaign’s customer experience automation, which helps you build more meaningful relationships with your customers. How?

Show a different landing page to each customer segment — and customize your follow-up. You can keep track of customer actions and segments in ActiveCampaign. When you make an offer, you can send each prospect to a landing page built to address their specific needs. You can even automatically notify your sales team to reach out when people complete the landing page form — and show them everything they need to know about each customer.

Reach your customers even after they leave your page by automating across channels. When someone completes a landing page to get your gated content, you can automatically follow up to reach them in other channels. Landing pages can trigger an automation that reaches out via email, adds the contact to a Custom Audience on Facebook, and reaches out the next time they visit your website.

Automate the customer experience behind the scenes. A landing page captures contact information. Then you can use powerful customer experience automation to manage the rest. Nurture leads, win new customers, update your CRM and contracts, and drive reviews alongside repeat business.

Personalize the experience for every customer. You can personalize every landing page based on the information you have in ActiveCampaign, to show them the info that’s most relevant to them.

What can you do with Pages?

“I LOVE ActiveCampaign’s new landing page tool! The variety of templates and flexible drag-and-drop builder make it easy to create landing pages that look beautiful on any size device! And it’s so simple to automatically add tags to new contacts and add those new contacts to nurture sequences. Being able to create landing pages and automation sequences in ActiveCampaign is a huge time saver!” – Ada Barlatt, OperationsAlly, Pages beta customer

With Pages, you get:

  • Pre-made, customizable templates that help you get up and running fast
  • A drag-and-drop builder with images, social media links, subscription forms, buttons, and videos
  • Custom domains, so that your landing pages are on-brand, all the time

But because Pages is connected to ActiveCampaign’s customer experience automation platform, you can also connect to every part of ActiveCampaign. That includes industry-leading automation, email marketing, and CRM.

We especially recommend pairing Pages with web personalization and site tracking. With Pages, these let you trigger personalized nurture flows and even customize your website for each contact, whether they’re pre-, mid-, or post-purchase.

Pages is designed to help you get moving fast and create incredible customer experiences.

Get a demo of Pages

Watch the Pages webinar to learn the landing page best practices and fundamentals you need to know. Then see how you can use Pages to create and publish a new landing page in a few easy steps!