Sales reps have to work many open deals at a time to meet their quota. That means juggling multiple conversations, activities, follow-ups, and more. With so many things up in the air, how do you know which interactions lead to positive, negative, or neutral outcomes? Which tasks push deals forward? Which ones don’t? Start tracking all your tasks and their associated outcomes in ActiveCampaign to find out. 

Introducing Task Outcomes on Deals

With task outcomes on Deals, it’s easier than ever to see what tasks lead to what outcomes so you can better understand what is working and identify areas for improvement in your engagement with your prospects and customers. Instead of having to view each individual note on your customer interactions, you can quickly scan activity history and identify the most important activities on your deals.


See All Tasks Over Time with the Task Overview Report

Quickly and easily understand (and stay on top of) your Deal task outcomes over time with the new Task Overview Report. This provides sales managers a view into all tasks, their associated outcomes, task sentiment, and task status so you can identify coaching opportunities for your team.

Task Outcome by Sales Rep

With the addition of several filters, you can drill deeper into this report to view task outcomes and other task details by each sales rep. Identify trends, wins, and opportunities for improvement down to the individual-rep-level.

Complete Tasks On the Go with the Mobile App

If you have Deal task outcomes enabled in the web platform, you can now complete any deal task via Android or iOS. Once that task is marked complete, the outcome result and any additional information added will be visible from the activity feed. Close deals on the go with the mobile app.


Go here to get an overview of task outcomes and learn how to set it up today.