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Looking for a HubSpot alternative? ActiveCampaign vs. HubSpot

HubSpot's all-in-one solution is high price, low value

What if you could pay 5x less for better features? Stop overpaying for basic all-in-one functionality, and get a tool that gives you exactly what you need.


Plan Type:






Setup Cost:


  • Marketing Automation
  • Contact Management
  • Email Marketing
per month - paid yearly


Plan Type:






Setup Cost:


  • Marketing Automation
  • Contact Management
  • Email Marketing
per month - paid yearly

Marketing automation that does what you need

  • Stop paying for limited features and functionality that doesn't provide value
  • Get a tool that's the best at what it does (and doesn't try to do everything)
  • Easy to build automations, beautiful emails
  • Free training, free support, and free migration

You don't need to overpay to get great features that do what you need

The problem with all-in-one solutions like HubSpot is that you end up paying a premium price for a lot of basic features with limited depth. As the leading customer experience automation platform, ActiveCampaign provides the best in email marketing and marketing automation at a fraction of the cost, and doesn't make you pay for features you won't use. Skip double-paying (and overpaying), and use ActiveCampaign for your marketing strategy.

CRM. Email. Automations.

Powerful features, minus the headaches.


ActiveCampaign's Professional Plan

HubSpot's Professional Plan

Marketing Automation

Global Success

140,000 customers in 170 different countries. Global campaigns in more than 15 languages.



Tags let you group, sort, send, and automate. They’re like attaching a sticky note to your contacts.

Advanced Segmentation

Use lists, tags, and custom fields to group your customers—then send them content based on their interests and lifecycle stage.*
*HubSpot does not have tagging.

Lead & Contact Scoring

Track engagement so you can reach out precisely when each prospect is ready to buy.
*HubSpot is limited to 1 scoring property.


*HubSpot is limited to 300 automations; you can create unlimited automations with ActiveCampaign.

Predictive Sending

Automatically send emails at a unique time for each contact, when they’re most likely to engage.
*HubSpot requires additional purchase to access this feature.

Split Automations

Use If/then logic to give customized experiences without creating dozens of automations.

Split Testing

Test one automation workflow against another to see what works.

Dynamic Automations

Use multiple goals and go-to actions to create flexible workflows and send each contact down a unique path.
*HubSpot is limited to 1 goal per automation, and doesn't include go-to actions.

Start/Stop an Automation

Use automation to send contacts into—or remove them from—another automation workflow.

Automation Map

See how your automations connect to each other, so you can easily update your marketing, adjust your strategy, and map out new automations.

Automation Workflows

Pre-built automations to help you get started building common workflows.
*We provide more than 100 workflows; HubSpot's collection is limited.

Website Forms

SMS Automation

Send a text message to contacts within an automation using powerful integration partners.

Site & Event Tracking


Customer attribution shows you where your customers are coming from and helps you find your top-performing marketing channels.

Sales Automation & CRM

Flexible CRM

Mobile CRM

Pipeline Management

*Have unlimited pipelines with ActiveCampaign; HubSpot is limited to 50.


Lead Creation & Management

Task Management

Lead Scoring

Get notified via email when certain customer actions/activities happen.

Win Probability

Machine learning generates a percentage field on each deal, telling you how likely that deal is to be won.

Lead Nurturing

Sales Resources & Playbook

Personalized support and free educational sales guides and templates to help you level up your sales process.

Email Marketing

Drag & Drop Email Designer

Email Deliverability

Email Templates

Predictive Content

Create different variants of content, and automatically send each customer the content they want to see.

Conditional Content

Put different messages in front of different people based on specific rules.

Split Testing

A/B test campaigns to learn what content works best.


Conversations Inbox & Live Chat

*Can be purchased as an add-on to any ActiveCampaign plan.

Conversations Mobile App

1 to 1 Emails

Send personalized, 1 to 1 emails to your leads and customers.

Facebook Custom Audiences

SMS Marketing

Subscribe your contacts by SMS when they send a keyword to a phone number. *HubSpot requires integration to use this feature.

Team Notifications

Get notified via email when certain customer actions/activities happen.


Customized Stack & Scalability

Build customized stacks for your business, allowing your features to scale with you, not against.


Connect multiple Shopify, WooCommerce, Square, and BigCommerce stores to your marketing and sales automation platform. *Cannot connect multiple Shopify stores to HubSpot.

Data Import & Export

Integration APIs


Free Onboarding & Migration

Free, High-Quality Training


Attend our accessible in-person Study Hall workshops and have regular calls with our team for your toughest questions.

Chat & Email Support

Make it a hassle-free switch

Try ActiveCampaign for free

Instant set-up. No credit card required.

Why growing businesses love ActiveCampaign

Get the features you need

Get the best email marketing tool and the best marketing automation tool. Then integrate it with other tools that are the best at what they do. Most businesses on HubSpot pay more for a bunch of features they never use.


HubSpot doesn't use a tagging system. ActiveCampaign lets you use tagging or custom fields for segmentation, which gives you the flexibility to follow up with customers based on their interests and behaviors.

See marketing at a glance

Building an automation is as easy as reading a flowchart. The ActiveCampaign automation builder is specifically designed to be as easy to use as possible – and if you need help, we offer one-on-one support and detailed tutorials.


HubSpot limits users to one Shopify store. With ActiveCampaign, you can use our direct integration to connect to multiple Shopify stores in just a few clicks (along with BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and Square).

Free onboarding & migration

We'll migrate you from HubSpot for free. Once you're on ActiveCampaign, we offer free training and onboarding to get you results as quickly as possible (HubSpot charges an onboarding fee).

Best-in-class tools

HubSpot wants you to use HubSpot for everything. ActiveCampaign integrates with best-in-class tools like Salesforce, Unbounce, Typeform, Calendly, Slack, and more, so you can build the stack that works for you—not for HubSpot.

We’ll move you from HubSpot for free

You never need to worry about getting started. We’ll get you up and running fast.

When you get  free migration , we import:

  • Your lists, contacts, custom fields, and tags
  • Your automation workflows
  • Your opt-in forms
  • Your email templates

Make it a hassle-free switch

Try ActiveCampaign for free

Instant set-up. No credit card required.