General Administrative Team
Meet our
General Administrative Team
Our General Administrative teams are a unique makeup, but all have a common goal of ensuring the business continues to move forward and grow efficiently. From optimizing candidate pipelines, to digging deep into data and balance sheets, and keeping a close eye on the newest global tech laws, these teams embody operational excellence.
How we work

Get to 'the why'
While data drives a lot of the decision making process, this team is also factoring in ‘The Why' - Why does this make sense for our customers? Why does this make sense for the business? Blending data with 'the why’ allows this team to effectively balance the needs of the business while continuing to deliver value to our customers.

Look through a new lens
Many of our General Admin teams are agile enough to get in the weeds on projects, as well as operate at a high level to see the full picture. In both instances, these teams are constantly evaluating processes and areas of improvement through various lenses to identify high impact areas and solve the unsolvable.

Be flexible
Balancing internal and external customers and stakeholders makes everyday on our General Admin team a little bit different. This team can shift gears seamlessly based on the needs of our customers and the business, and is always willing to celebrate hard work with a virtual high five or celebratory string cheese for those in the office.