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Give (and receive) better feedback - even if you have no idea where to start.

Giving or asking for feedback can be an uncomfortable task.

Mindless worrying will only lead to procrastination and could prevent you from communicating precisely what you mean.

Whether requesting (or giving) feedback, this feedback email template can give you an idea of where to begin.

What you get:

  • Asking for client feedback email template
  • Asking for customer feedback email template
  • Feedback email examples

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How to Ask for Customer Feedback by Email

A feedback email template will ensure all your customers will receive the same email, so you won't have to worry about miscommunications.

Keeping your email short is vital. You can also offer incentives for customers who undertake a survey.

  • Telling Subject
  • Greeting
  • Explanation
  • Time reference
  • How they can give feedback
  • Sign off

Telling Subject

Being as informative as possible in the subject will let your recipient know exactly what you want and how long it will take. Most customers will ignore an email if it sounds like you want them to take a lot of time out of their day to help you. 

A quick subject line, like "Store AA Survey - 2 Minutes", is more likely to attract a response than "Reminder to Help Store AA Make a Better Experience for People Like You".


Refer to your customer by name, if you know it.


Write a quick explanation of why you're reaching out and how your customer can help. Tell them how easy it would be to offer their opinion as to your work, and how it will help improve their experiences.

Time Reference

Verbally highlighting how little time it will take your customer to give feedback is key. Most of the time, customers don't want to bother with reviews because they feel they don't have the time to spare. The shorter they know your survey is, the more likely they will take it.

Call to Action

Put a link to a feedback form or survey right before you sign off so it's easy to both see and access.

Sign Off

Don't forget to thank them and sign your company's name.

How to Write a Feedback Email

If someone has asked you for a feedback email, no matter who it is, there are always constructive ways to explain what you did and did not like. Whether you work with this person, or if they are a family member or a store you shopped at once, the basics of giving feedback remain the same.

Set up with this feedback email template as follows:

  • Telling subject
  • Polite greeting and reference to their well-being
  • Positive feedback
  • Negative feedback
  • Advice
  • Well wishes and sign off

Telling Subject

In the subject heading, refer to the work they've done that you're giving feedback on. If you feel they've done an overall good job, add this to the subject (Project A - Great Work!). Whoever's receiving feedback will be more inclined to read what you've written if you've presented the email as overall positive. 

If the majority of what your email says is not positive, add something to the subject, like: "Project A - Some Suggestions". This will give them a heads-up on the tone of your email, so they'll be more inclined to take your words to heart, but not become hurt in the process.

Polite Greeting

The greeting can be as informal or as formal as your relationship with the recipient calls for. Always begin your email with a reference of how the recipient is doing, because it tells them that you are invested in them as a person, even if you don't agree with their work.

Positive Feedback

Similar to any kind of review or face-to-face interaction, always start with positive feedback first. An initial positive reaction will make it more likely that your recipient will take your opinions seriously. Also, it does nothing to help your relationship if you bash their work immediately.

Negative Feedback

Voicing what you didn't like is crucial because you can help point out problems with someone's work. However, in giving negative feedback, it's always a good idea to phrase it as advice. That way, you're not insulting the recipient or making it difficult for them to come to terms with what you're saying.


Giving suggestions on how they could improve their work will give them a solution instead of simply making them feel like they're doing a bad job. In this section, you can also ask questions to help get them thinking about areas they might have overlooked.

Well Wishes

At the end of the email, wish your recipient good luck and offer to help them in the future if they need it.

How to Politely Ask for a Feedback Email

Here is a simple feedback email template you can use to ask for suggestions or reviews:

  • Formal Greeting
  • Get to the point
  • Stay humble

Formal Greeting

Unless you have an informal relationship with the recipient, address them by their title, not their first name. 

Get to the Point

Explain your reasons for contacting them as simply and clearly as possible. Outline the problem you are experiencing and ask if they would be willing to offer any advice. 

Stay Humble

Whatever you do, don't be demanding in any way. If you're asking for feedback from a person of authority, such as a manager, professor, or expert in the field, don't assume they have time to spare. 

Most people will take the time to get back to you, but it is a courtesy on their part and not an obligation.

Give (and receive) better feedback with these free feedback email templates

Whether you're providing feedback or asking for some, these are simple and easy methods to use. Remember to stay polite and be clear with what you want. While giving feedback, give suggestions on how your recipient can combat any weak planning or ideas. 

When you're asking for feedback, being polite and concise about what you need from your recipient will help them commit. And when asking a customer, it's always a good idea to be simple, direct, and let them know how much it will help your company.

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