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Create Facebook ad campaigns that (actually) drive revenue

Stop winging it with Facebook ads.


The key to Facebook ad success is putting together a comprehensive plan of attack.

If you’ve been struggling to get FB advertising results, then it’s most likely because you’re making the same type of mistake.

Eliminate the ever-rising CPC and CAC from Facebook ads with this proven Facebook advertising plan template.

What you get:

  • Facebook advertising plan template

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What Is a Facebook Advertising Plan?

A FB advertising plan plan is a comprehensive document used to document all of the key pieces necessary to construct a winning ad campaign. 

Documenting the complete Facebook advertising plan helps you uncover ideas for how to put effective ad campaigns together. 

The plan should include all of the critical elements of a FB advertising plan.

Some of these elements include:

  • Ad campaign goals
  • Current Facebook engagement statistics
  • Brand messaging
  • Audience
  • Content mix

How Do I Create a Facebook Advertising Plan?

A Facebook advertising campaign is a lot like any other traditional marketing endeavor. You create specific goals and objectives for your campaign, you choose the target audience(s) that you want to reach, and then you set up some basic tactics for achieving those goals.

You need to understand everything about your target audience:

  • What do they do?
  • What are their specific interests?
  • What are the critical demographics?
  • What problems do they have?
  • How do they express their frustrations?
  • Where do they “hang out” online?

You'll also need to think about your goals:

  • Do you want more traffic?
  • Are sales the objective?
  • Are you running an email subscriber campaign? 

How do you create a plan? This can seem like a lot, so start with the above. A written plan is always more effective than trying to remember all of it in your mind. 

But a full fleshed out plan can be so much more. That’s why you need to strongly consider using a FB advertising plan

Keep reading, and we’ll show you what to include in a FB ad plan and how to access an already existing Facebook advertising plan template.

Are Facebook Ads Still Worth It?

In a word, yes. You may have heard others talking about their inability to get the platform to work effectively. However, failure to get paid ads on Facebook to produce profit usually stems from a failure to plan a successful campaign. 

Many marketers try placing ads without thinking through the process from beginning to end. 

The result? 

Frustration when the campaign costs more than they expect. 

It’s like anything in life. If you fail to plan, then you’ve already failed. Remember the only goal of any Facebook campaign: earn back more than you spend on ads. 

Many people get confused as they run after vanity metrics such as “likes” or “shares”. It’s essential to pay attention to all metrics, of course. At the end of the day, though, you must track whether your profit is a higher number than ad spend. 

Facebook ads are worth it when you understand how to plan and track your way to profit.

What Should a Facebook Advertising Plan Include?

Your Facebook ad plan must include four major sections:

  1. Current situation analysis
  2. The plan itself (audience, posting frequency, content, etc.)
  3. Analytics (reporting and measurement)
  4. Continuous improvement

We’ll detail out your current situation analysis, analytics, and continuous improvement below. Let’s first focus on what you should include in your Facebook advertising plan. 

Get clear on the audience to target. You don’t have any business running a Facebook ad campaign without doing a detailed target market analysis. 

Any wrong steps here result in a lack of engagement. If you’re running a lead generation campaign, for example, you’ll either see a lack of clicks to the opt-in landing page, or you’ll get clicks from the wrong people. You’ll then experience a low traffic-to-lead conversion rate on the opt-in landing page. 

You need to put together the correct brand messaging after getting clear on the target audience. 

The next step involves your content. What type of content will you use? How often will you post it? What types of ads will you use your content with? 

Here are other important parts to include in a successful Facebook advertising plan:

  • Strategies to increase fan engagement
  • Strategies to increase brand awareness
  • Analysis of all competitors
  • Coupons and other offers
  • Contests
  • Goals in terms of brand awareness, leads, or sales

Current Situation Analysis

Your current situation analysis needs to take a good look into the brand’s current Facebook situation. What does the brand’s Facebook page look like? Is the page performing well in terms of engagement and activity level? If not, brainstorm improvements to use throughout the advertising campaign. 

Take stock of the campaign’s goals during this process. Ask yourself how the brand’s current Facebook-related strengths and weaknesses affect these goals.

Reporting, Measurement, and Continuous Improvement

Measure your campaign by identifying key metrics, goals for those metrics, and how often to report those metrics. You might measure the following:

  • Overall engagement rates
  • Total number of fans
  • Advertising metrics
  • Google Analytics metrics
  • Other post-level metrics
  • Other page-level metrics

This is an area that derails most Facebook advertising campaigns. Many businesses let unsuccessful campaigns run too long and then wonder why they aren’t profitable. Analyzing key data throughout the campaign helps accomplish the continuous improvement needed to make more money than you spend on ads.

Get more customers with this free Facebook advertising plan template

Would you like to get your hands on a comprehensive Facebook advertising plan template that includes every element covered above? 

If you follow this template on each Facebook ad campaign, then you’ll discover that running successful campaigns isn’t as hard as you might think. 

Most of your competitors are “winging it”. 

But not you.

Not any more.

Imagine how much you can dominate once you’re planning correctly using this proven Facebook advertising plan template.

Ready to get started?

Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.