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Leads expect you to stay in touch with them via email, so why fight it?

A significant portion of the house search process happens online.

It’s easy to share information about properties, look for listings, and reach out to agents online.

The right email template for real estate leads will help you share the right message at the right time.

What you get:

  • 4 Email templates for real estate leads
  • Build a relationship
  • Follow up with potential buyers
  • Convince sellers to put their home on the market
  • Turning a lead to a client

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How Do You Email a Real Estate Lead?

You need to make a positive impression and deliver something valuable when you reach out to a lead.

Permission to Email

Always get permission to email the lead. It’s not a good experience to receive unsolicited emails. During your initial exchange with a lead, get their email address and ask if it’s ok to email them.

If you have an email list with a sign-up form on your website, make sure to explain what kind of content recipients will get briefly.

Deliver Value

A good email template for real estate leads needs to deliver valuable information. You can, for instance, share exclusive information about a listing or send information that will help the lead progress in their buying or selling journey.

You can deliver more value by segmenting your audience and sharing content that is relevant to them. Since 31% of buyers are first-time buyers, you can create a group for these leads and share content focusing on education about the buying process.

You can also segment your audience based on the price range they’re looking at, the area they’re interested in, or where they are in their buying or selling journey.

Encourage Leads to Take Action

An effective email marketing campaign should encourage leads to do something. You need to suggest some specific next steps in your emails and tell people why now is the right time to take action.

For instance, it’s common to run into sellers who hesitate about putting their homes on the market. On average, people stay in their homes for ten years, and selling can be challenging because of the emotional attachment to the house. 

You can encourage potential sellers to take action by drawing attention to the current market that favors sellers and remind them that this trend will eventually revert.

Let’s take a closer look at how you can write compelling email templates that turn leads into clients

4 Real Estate Lead Email Template Examples

1. Build a Relationship with Potential Buyers

After the initial contact with a potential buyer, an email is a great way to remind them about the services you offer. Here’s a template you can use to start communicating with a prospect:

Hello [name],

It was great meeting you at [insert open house or another event]. I’d love to hear more about what kind of home you are looking for. 

Could you tell me more about the price range and area you’re interested in? What kind of home features are must-haves for you?

Would you be interested in receiving a weekly email with a selection of listings that correspond to what you’re looking for?

I look forward to hearing back from you!

The tone is warm and friendly. You’re sharing information without being too formal. It puts the potential buyer at ease and encourages them to tell you more to deliver emails with information that is valuable to them.

2. Follow up with Potential Buyers

You can keep developing your relationship with a potential buyer by using follow-up emails. You can keep things short and straight to the point with the following template:

Hey [name],

How is the house search going? Did you see anything you liked in the listings I sent? I’d love to get some feedback so I can get a better idea of what you’re looking for and tailor the ones I select for you.

And if there is anything else I can help you with, don’t hesitate to reach out!

3. Convince Potential Sellers to Put Their House on the Market

You can use an email template for real estate leads to stay in touch with potential sellers who have expressed an interest in selling. If they’re still at an early stage of their decision-making process, you can introduce a few arguments in favor of selling:

Hello [name],

I really enjoyed talking to you the other day, and I wanted to follow up and ask if you’d given any more thought to selling your home.

I would love to schedule a phone call to ask a few questions about the property and give you a better idea of a reasonable asking price.

So that you know, I’ve seen a similar home on your block sell for $XX last month! It’s definitely a hot market, and I would encourage you to take advantage of it if you’re ready to move.

You can learn more about the services we offer at [website URL]. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

You can tweak this template to make it feel more personalized. Note how it mentions a phone call as a clear next step the lead can take and motivates them to take action by sharing a number.

4. Turning a Lead into a Client

Once a potential seller is ready to put their home on the market, your focus should be on capturing their business. The following template can help you draw attention to the services you offer and suggest the next step without being too salesy.

Hello [name],

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me; I’m excited to hear that you’ve decided to put your home on the market!

I would like to invite you to take a look at recent customer testimonials to give you a better idea of what to expect if you decide to work with us. 

Our goal is to offer a selling experience that is as simple and transparent as possible. I’d be happy to answer any additional questions you might have about the process, so feel free to call me at [phone number]. We could get started with a custom home valuation report and go from there.

Get more customers with these free new product launch email templates

Using an email template for real estate leads is an excellent way of staying in touch with prospects. It allows you to keep sharing valuable information while saving time. 

You can use the templates above as a source of inspiration, but make sure to put things in your own words, so your emails feel more personal and consistent.

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