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Finally, a winning consulting proposal template that ACTUALLY closes deals.

Ready to offer your expertise as a consultant? Or possibly expand beyond word-of-mouth referrals and add more consulting clients to grow your business?

Becoming good at your craft is one thing, but creating consulting proposals that close deals is far trickier. When you need to close more clients - this proposal is the answer.

This free consulting proposal template includes everything you need to get more of your ideal client to sign on the dotted line.

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  • Free consulting proposal template

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How to write your own consulting proposal (without getting overwhelmed)

You’re a pro. You already know how good you are at the consulting work you do and you know you can help your clients be more successful.

But, how do we get them from a prospective client to signing on the dotted line?

Prove you can deliver what they need, when they need it.

Specifically: You need a proposal

But, staring at a blank proposal document is… intimidating.

There’s no reason to sweat the small stuff every single time you sit down to write a proposal, so let’s use the time-tested consulting proposal templates below to help shortcut your next consulting client proposal.

What to put in your consulting proposal

A great consulting proposal template has six key components:

  1. Why work with [you]
  2. Proposed work overview
  3. Deliverables
  4. Project timelines
  5. Financial summary
  6. Next steps

1. Why Work with [Your Name]

This is where you explain your past work experience and completed projects to prove your value to this prospective client. Make this section your own! This is your chance to describe what kind of work you can do and the kind of person you are to work with.

2. Proposed Work Overview

This section of your proposal is where you describe your understanding of the project that you’re bidding on. Be sure to state the big goals the proposal is intended to cover and the types of deliverables you plan to develop. Here’s a script template to help you build out the copy for this section based on the project you plan to bid on.

3. Deliverables

This is where you do a deeper dive into each deliverable that you mention in the project overview section. Explain why you think these will produce the results your client wants to see. Be specific! Give a detailed description of each deliverable and how it solves your client’s problem to reach their goals.

Go through each deliverable and attach a specific, measurable result to each one. Emphasize the value proposition and benefits that a client can get from having you do this work for them. 

4. Project Timelines

Here is where you identify the scope of the project deliverables. Be clear and explain to your client what services are excluded. Example, if you are writing a blog post for someone, specify how many rounds of edits you intend to provide.

Describe each phase of each deliverable’s development to show how long it will take you to complete the whole project. It will be useful to use a timetable to illustrate the project phases (if necessary) and the project milestones your client can expect. 

5. Financial Summary

Describe your fees for each part of the project, what payments you accept, and on what kind of schedule. Be clear about whether you charge by an hourly rate or a project-based fee, and any additional costs any applicable tax). Be as specific as you possibly can to make sure fees don’t surprise your client later, and to show that you’re giving the client the most value for their money.

For ways to track your client payments and create invoices, use these helpful free templates and downloads!

6. Next Steps

Your proposal should include the next steps that a client needs to take so that the project can move forward. This section is a call-to-action where you can ask to do things like:

  • Email you for more information
  • Accept your proposal
  • Send a work agreement to sign
  • Make a down payment

Want the plug-and-play version of this guide? Keep reading.

Get a sample consulting proposal template

You shouldn’t have to feel like you’re gearing up for battle every time you try to write a new proposal. 

The pro’s don’t.

And neither should you.

Because as long as you’re including the right things in each proposal, the format really doesn’t matter. 

Make sure you include everything that needs to be there to close more deals with this consulting proposal template.

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Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.