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Banner Ad


A banner ad, also called a web banner, is a form of online advertising embedded on a web page. Banner advertisements were among the first advertisements ever published on the internet. Banner advertisements typically emphasize visuals and images over marketing copy, and redirect to an external site when clicked.

A banner ad can refer to a variety of ad types, including square ads, leaderboard ads, skyscraper ads, or traditional rectangular banners that appear horizontally at the top or bottom of a web page. Banner advertisements can be sold by individual websites or placed on websites through an advertising network.

The common dimensions of a traditional, horizontal banner ad are 468 x 60. Banner ads are typically purchased based on number of impressions on a CPM (cost per mille, or cost per thousand impressions) basis.

What is the difference between a pop up ad and a banner ad?

When a user is viewing a website, they will trigger an add to appear or "pop up" on the screen. This often overlays the existing content. A banner add will live within the content and is typically meant to be seen as a part of the website versus an interruption. Pop up ads are often thought to be more effective, but are also polarizing and can lead to a terrible user experience.

What is a standard banner ad?

Standard banner ads, like leaderboard ads, are placed above navigation bars or within the main content on a web page. Banner ads are most often created as images that are 468 x 60 pixels in size.

How do banner ads work?

Banner ads contain calls to action (CTA) that entice a user to click them to view or obtain something else. They inform, notify the user of new products, grab your attention or simply increase brand awareness in a more passive nature.

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