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B2B (Business to Business)


B2B (Business to Business) is when a business buys or sells to another business, rather than an individual consumer (Business to Consumer / B2C). B2B businesses target other businesses to sell their product or service to.

Often, B2B businesses sell raw materials to manufacturers before finished products are sold to consumers. Examples of B2B businesses are food supply companies, electronic component manufactuerers, and logistics companies.

What is B2B vs. B2C?

Which a B2B business wil focus on selling products and services to other businesses, B2C sells products and services to customers for personal use.

Are companies like Amazon a B2B or B2C?

Amazon is a very unique case is that it has B2B offerings (hosting and fulfillment), B2C offerings (marketplace) and C2C offerings (secondary sellers marketplace).

What is a B2B company example?

Activecampaign is a perfect example of a B2B company. Other examples include Xerox, WeWork, and Dropbox.

How can you create a unique experience for each customer?

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