What’s the easiest way to find new automations for your business?

Automation can help you take care of repetitive tasks, so that you can spend more time on the parts of your business that matter most. But sometimes, especially as you grow, it isn’t clear which parts of your business you should automate — and it would be helpful to have a library of ideas you can reference.

That’s why we’re announcing the ActiveCampaign Marketplace, a library of automation recipes that you can search, browse, filter, and use in just a few clicks.

Inside the ActiveCampaign Marketplace, you can find:

  • 250+ pre-built automation recipes created by ActiveCampaign, ActiveCampaign partners, and ActiveCampaign customers like you
  • Filtering options that let you browse recipes by experience level, industry, features included, or business need
  • Detailed automation recipe descriptions and recipe suggestions on every page
  • Opportunities to contribute your own recipes, based on the experiences you’ve learned from in your business

This walkthrough of the ActiveCampaign Marketplace shows how simple it is to find a recipe — even if you aren’t exactly sure what you’re looking for.

What are automation recipes?

Automation recipes are pre-built automation templates that you can import into your ActiveCampaign account. By giving you a template to work from, recipes make it easy to set up the automations you need for your business.

This is an example of an automation recipe. You can use the Welcome Series Automation Recipe to automatically send new contacts a series of welcome emails.

Best of all, recipes can have a compounding effect, so that each recipe you add to your account makes the ones you’re already using more effective. You can think of each recipe as a strategy for one moment of a customer’s experience. The more recipes you use, the more parts of your customer’s experience you can automate.

More than 95,000 businesses use ActiveCampaign, and many are part of ActiveCampaign’s thriving communities. Recipes are a way for you to participate in those communities — to draw on the experience of experts and ActiveCampaign customers like you, and get ideas from people who have faced similar situations in their businesses.

How do automation recipes work?

Each marketplace recipe listing shares everything you need to know about the automation recipe: how to use it, who it works best for, and how it can help your business.

You can add recipes to your ActiveCampaign account (and start automating!) in just a few clicks:

  1. Choose a recipe from the ActiveCampaign Marketplace. You can search for recipes, or filter based on industry, experience level, use case, and more. You can even filter for recipes created by the ActiveCampaign team or recipes that were created by an ActiveCampaign customer just like you.
  2. Import the recipe. Click “Login to import recipe,” then log into your ActiveCampaign account. You can view your imported recipe in your ActiveCampaign account by clicking “View imported recipes.”
  3. Set up and customize the automation. In your ActiveCampaign account, go to your Automations, then find your new recipe in the Purchased section. Once you create a new automation using your recipe, ActiveCampaign will take you through the setup process, so that you can customize it for your business.

For a step-by-step tutorial on importing automation recipes, watch the video above, or check out this help center article.

Once you’ve imported a recipe, customization is simple — and you can check out this video for 3 different ways to customize one of our most popular recipes: the welcome series.

Who can use automation recipes?

“Automation recipes have allowed me to re-engage with my audience. I was able to begin with simple recipes to start and move onto more complicated automations to better connect with my customers.” – Himanshi Munshaw Luhar, Director of FoodieTrails

Anyone with an ActiveCampaign account can use automation recipes — and anyone at all can browse the ActiveCampaign Marketplace for ideas.

When we were working on the Marketplace, there were a few specific types of people we wanted to make sure we helped. The ActiveCampaign Marketplace can help if you’re…

  • Getting started with ActiveCampaign and want to save time figuring out automation
  • Already using ActiveCampaign but feel like you could be doing more
  • Looking to explore using features that you’ve never tried out before
  • Finding new ways to automate your business…but you aren’t sure where to start

That’s why the ActiveCampaign Marketplace is searchable, and recipes are shareable from within the automation builder. It’s also why we put together a few guides to help you out, and give you new ideas about what you can automate in your business.

(Remember, if you have an idea that you don’t see in the guides or on the Marketplace — you can always submit it yourself!)

Tell us how you use automation recipes!

How do you use automation recipes for your business? Share your favorite automation recipes in our customer community Facebook group. If you’ve built your own automation recipes, upload them to the marketplace to share with other ActiveCampaign customers.

Join us on May 7th at 1:00 pm CDT (18:00 UTC) for a webinar tour of the Marketplace. Register here!