ActiveCampaign has recently released two new integrations with form and landing page partners Typeform and Unbounce. These powerful integrations connect the robust abilities of these form building tools directly to ActiveCampaign’s dynamic platform.

We’ve built 13 automation recipe templates to help you get started with these form integrations. With these automation recipes, you can:

  • Send a welcome series
  • Create deals and power your CRM
  • Process product orders
  • Run quizzes and event follow-ups
  • Gather feedback
  • Administer surveys
  • Release gated content and special offers
  • Generate leads and learn more about your contacts

Using Unbounce’s native “variant” feature, you can even A/B test forms, gated content, and other aspects of your marketing to see what performs best.

Keep reading to learn more about our new form integration automation recipes:

  1. Form Integration: Send Welcome Email Series
  2. Form Integration: Segmented Welcome Emails
  3. Form Integration: Add a Deal
  4. Form Integration: Add A Segmented Deal
  5. Form Integration: Send Special Offer Signup Form
  6. Form Integration: Deliver Gated Content
  7. Form Integration: Feedback Form Submission Follow-up
  8. Form Integration: Event RSVP Follow-up Email
  9. Form Integration: Quiz Follow-up Email
  10. Form Integration: Process Order from Form
  11. Unbounce: Welcome Series Based on Form Variant
  12. Unbounce: Test Gated Content Variants
  13. Unbounce: Test Form Variants

1. Form Integration: Send Welcome Email Series

Send new contacts a series of welcome emails to introduce your brand and start building a relationship.

When a contact subscribes through an integrated form — like a Typeform form, Jotform form, or Unbounce form — this automation sends them a welcome email series over the course of several days.

A welcome email series is a sequence of messages that you send to your new list subscribers. Welcome emails have higher open rates than any other marketing emails, because your contacts are expecting to hear from you!

Your welcome email sequence can (and should):

  • Share information to help your contact get started with your business
  • Encourage your contacts to join your customer communities on social media
  • Deliver a lead magnet you offered for subscribing, like gated content or a discount
  • Be personalized with your contacts’ information
  • Send ASAP after someone subscribes to your list

When you use a welcome email series instead of a single welcome email, you have a chance to introduce your brand to contacts and build a relationship before you start selling.

This automation helps you do all of the above. You can use this workflow for a general welcome series or create a different, more personalized version for each integrated form.

Before you import this automation, set up your Typeform, Unbounce, Jotform, or other form integration with ActiveCampaign.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Send Welcome Email Series” automation works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact is assigned a form integration tag. In our example, the tag is “Typeform-integration.” This tag indicates that the contact submitted the integrated form. (When you set up your form integration, you can set up this tag.) We exclude anyone already on our master email list to make sure that the welcome email series only goes to new contacts. Adjust this trigger to the form integration you have set up.
  2. The automation sends the first welcome email in the series.
  3. The automation waits 1 day. (Feel free to adjust the wait step.)
  4. The automation sends the second welcome email in the series.
  5. The automation waits 1 day. (Feel free to adjust the wait step.)
  6. The automation sends the third welcome email in the series.
  7. The automation ends.

2. Form Integration: Segmented Welcome Emails

Send new contacts the content they want and need. This automation lets you send new contacts a tailored welcome email or welcome email series.

When a contact subscribes through an integrated form — like a Typeform form, Jotform form, or Unbounce form — you can track contacts’ submissions in each field, then automatically send them the welcome email with the most relevant content and messaging.

Welcome emails have higher open rates than any other marketing emails because your contacts are expecting to hear from you!

You can segment your welcome email or welcome email series based on any field submission, including:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Referral source (“How did you hear about us?”)
  • Purchase intent
  • Interest in a certain product or service
  • Budget
  • Pain points

For example, if you know your contact is local to your business, you can send them a welcome email with information on upcoming events. If a contact lives farther away, it makes more sense to share online content or an ecommerce landing page.

This automation works with form integrations like Typeform, Jotform, and Unbounce. Before importing this automation, make sure you have your form integration set up and your subscription form integrated with your ActiveCampaign account. To segment based on your contacts’ responses, you’ll also need to map the form fields to custom fields in ActiveCampaign.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Segmented Welcome Emails” automation recipe works:

  1. The automaton is triggered when a contact submits your integrated form and is assigned a corresponding tag. Our example uses Typeform, but you can adjust the trigger based on your form integration. You can also add an “Isn’t Subscribed to Master List” segment to this trigger to make sure that only new contacts enter the automation and receive welcome emails.
  2. An If/Else condition checks to see whether or not the contact chose a specific option in the field you’re segmenting by. In our example, we segment based on just one field and check for Option 1 in this step, but you can build out more conditions to personalize your welcome emails even more.
  3. If the contact chose Option 1, the automation sends them a welcome email with tailored content based on that response. You can build out more actions after the first email to create your own welcome series.
  4. If the contact did not choose Option 1, an If/Else condition checks to see whether or not they chose Option 2.
  5. If the contact chose Option 2, the automation sends them a welcome email with tailored content based on that response. You can build out more actions after the first email to create your own welcome series.
  6. In our example, we only offer contacts 3 options for the field we chose to segment by. (If you have more options for contacts to choose from, you can build out more If/Else actions and welcome emails.) If the contact did not choose Option 2, we can assume they chose Option 3, so the automation sends them a welcome email with tailored content based on that response. You can build out more actions after the first email to create your own welcome series.
  7. The automation ends.

3. Form Integration: Add a Deal

Do you use a form integration like Typeform, Unbounce, or Jotform? This automation lets you create a deal in your ActiveCampaign CRM when a contact submits an integrated form.

When a contact submits the form, this automation adds a deal to the pipeline of your choice and creates a task for the deal owner to reach out. Following up with each contact helps make sure that no contacts fall through the cracks — and no potential customers go uncontacted.

This automation lets you track your contact throughout the sales pipeline and customer journey. When you use sales pipelines to organize your sales processes and sales workflows, you help your sales team stay organized and save time by reaching out to the right contacts at the right time.

Before you import this automation, set up your Typeform, Unbounce, Jotform, or other form integration. You also need to set up the pipeline you plan to add contacts to.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Add a Deal” automation recipe works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact is assigned a form integration tag. In our example, the tag is “Typeform-integration.” This tag indicates that the contact submitted the integrated form. (When you set up your form integration, you can set up this tag.) Adjust this trigger to the form integration you have set up.
  2. The automation creates a deal in the CRM based on the information the contact shared in the form submission. You can adjust this Create Deal action to make sure all of the details you need are passed from the integrated form to the new deal record.
  3. The automation creates a task for the deal owner to contact the new deal. In our example, the Add Task action assigns a first touch call to the deal owner. Feel free to adjust this task based on your own sales process.
  4. The automation ends.

4. Form Integration: Add A Segmented Deal

When a contact submits an integrated form, create and segment a deal based on the information they submitted.

Do you use a form integration like Typeform, Unbounce, or Jotform? This automation lets you create and segment a new deal in your ActiveCampaign CRM when a contact submits an integrated form.

Segmentation helps you send the most relevant information to each contact. You can segment your contacts based on any information they submit in your integrated form, including:

  • Product usage
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Where they are in the buyer’s journey
  • Device (Desktop vs. mobile)
  • And so much more!

This automation lets you organize and track your contacts throughout the sales pipeline and customer journey. Tracking contacts and segments in your CRM helps your sales team stay organized and save time by reaching out to the right contacts at the right time.

Before you import this automation, set up your Typeform, Unbounce, Jotform, or other form integration. You also need to set up the pipeline(s) and segment(s) you plan to add your contacts to.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Add a Segmented Deal” automation recipe works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact is assigned a form integration tag. In our example, the tag is “unbounce-integration-[your_landing_page_name]-[variant_name].” This tag indicates that the contact submitted the integrated form. (When you set up your form integration, you can set up this tag.) Adjust this trigger to the form integration you have set up.
  2. An If/Else condition checks for the information the contact submitted in the integrated form. In our example, we’re checking what condition of car the contact wants to buy. We check if “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is “Used.”
  3. If “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is “Used,” the automation adds a deal. You can set the stage, owner, and value for this condition. Feel free to build out more actions after this to create a robust deal creation flow.
  4. If “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is not “Used,” an If/Else condition checks if “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is “Extensive Repairs.”
  5. If “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is “Extensive Repairs,” the automation adds a deal. You can set the stage, owner, and value for this condition. Feel free to build out more actions after this to create a robust deal creation flow.
  6. If “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is not “Extensive Repairs,” an If/Else condition checks if “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is “New.”
  7. If “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is “New,” the automation adds a deal. You can set the stage, owner, and value for this condition. Feel free to build out more actions after this to create a robust deal creation flow.
  8. If “Wants To Buy A Car In This Condition” is not “New,” the automation ends.

5. Form Integration: Send Special Offer Signup Form

Do you collect signups for special offers through a Typeform, Jotform, or Unbounce form? This automation makes it easy to share the special offer signup form with contacts who take a specific action, like visit a product page on your website.

By sending the special offer form to contacts who have already shown interest in a certain product or service, you can target the people most likely to purchase from you.

When contacts fill out the form, you can send them a special offer, like:

  • Access to an exclusive sale
  • Early access to a new product or feature
  • BOGO sales
  • A VIP coupon code
  • Any other awesome promotion you want to share with your contacts!

After you share the form with the contact, the automation checks whether or not the contact filled out the form. If they have, you can automatically send them a reminder to use the special offer discount code before it expires.

Before you import this automation, set up your Typeform, Unbounce, Jotform, or other form integration.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Send Special Offer Signup Form” automation recipe works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact takes a certain action. In our example, the automation is triggered when a contact visits a product page. Specify the page you want to trigger this automation. Make sure the automation is set to run once, so the contact doesn’t receive the same email every time they visit the page.
  2. The automation sends the contact an email containing the signup form. Encourage contacts to fill out the form in exchange for a special offer.
  3. The automation waits 2 weeks. You can adjust the wait step.
  4. After 2 weeks, an If/Else condition checks to see whether the contact has filled out the form to redeem the special offer. To do this, the automation checks whether the contact has been assigned the tag associated with using that offer. (You’ll set this tag up when you set up your form integration.) In our example, we track the form being filled out with an Unbounce integration. Feel free to adjust this condition based on your workflow.
  5. If the contact has the tag associated with using the special offer, the automation ends.
  6. If the contact does not have the tag associated with using the special offer, the automation sends them an email reminding them to redeem the special offer before it expires.
  7. The automation ends.

6. Form Integration: Deliver Gated Content

Do you use gated content as a lead magnet? This automation makes it easy to deliver gated content to contacts who submit your form, then send a follow-up email with bonus content on a similar topic.

What is gated content?

Gated content is any content that can’t be accessed until someone submits their contact information. Some popular types of gated content include:

  • White papers
  • Webinars
  • Ebooks
  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Tutorials

You can use gated content as a lead generation technique — offering content in exchange for a contact’s information leads to higher conversion rates than offering nothing. Once you have the contact’s information, you can send them follow-up emails or marketing emails, and even have your sales team reach out.

When a contact gives you their information in exchange for gated content, they expect to get that gated content delivered to their inbox ASAP. This automation takes the task of sending gated content off your plate. When a contact submits a gated content form, automatically deliver gated content to the lead, then follow-up with other relevant content to keep your brand top-of-mind.

This automation works with form integrations like Typeform, Jotform, and Unbounce. Before importing this automation, make sure you have your form integration set up and your gated content form integrated with your ActiveCampaign account.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Deliver Gated Content” automation recipe works:

  1. The automaton is triggered when a contact submits your gated content form and is assigned a corresponding tag. Our example uses Typeform, but you can adjust the trigger based on your form integration.
  2. The automation sends the contact an email with a link to the gated content. (You can also use our Dropbox integration to add an attachment to your email.)
  3. The automation waits 3 days. Feel free to adjust this wait step.
  4. The automation sends the contact a follow-up email with a bonus piece of content. Send another piece of helpful, relevant content to provide more value to your lead and keep your brand top-of-mind.
  5. The automation ends.

7. Form Integration: Feedback Form Submission Follow-up

Show your contacts that you’re listening to their feedback with this automation. When a contact submits feedback, follow up with a thank you email and personal outreach based on their feedback.

If you collect feedback through a form integration like Typeform, Jotform, or Unbounce, this automation makes it easy to make your contacts feel heard and learn more about their feedback. When a contact submits your feedback form, this automation lets you thank them for their feedback and assign a team member a task to follow up with a personalized response. Finally, the automation sends the contact one more follow-up email to ask if they need anything else.

68% of customers who churn do so because they feel like a company doesn’t care about them. Don’t let that happen to you! Collecting feedback is great, but having a real person reach out to your contacts to learn more about their experience — whether negative or positive — helps build customer loyalty and increase the likelihood of repeat purchases.

This automation works with form integrations like Typeform, Jotform, and Unbounce. Before importing this automation, make sure you have your form integration set up and your feedback form integrated with your ActiveCampaign account.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Feedback Form Submission Follow-up” automation recipe works:

  1. The automaton is triggered when a contact submits your feedback form and is assigned a tag accordingly. Our example uses a Typeform form, but you can adjust the trigger based on your form integration and feedback form.
  2. The automation sends the contact a follow-up email thanking them for their feedback.
  3. The automaton assigns a task for a deal owner or other team member to reach out to the contact with a personal email or call to learn more about their feedback. If you don’t use the ActiveCampaign CRM, you can change this step to “Send a notification email” and enter the appropriate email for your team.
  4. The automation waits 5 days. Feel free to adjust this wait step based on your business.
  5. The automation sends the contact a follow-up email asking if there’s anything else they need.
  6. The automation ends.

8. Form Integration: Event RSVP Follow-up Email

Do you collect event RSVPs through a Typeform, Jotform, or Unbounce form? This automation makes it easy to send follow-up emails to contacts who RSVP for your event.

(This automation was built with the Typeform “Grand Opening Invitation” template in mind, but you can customize it for the form integration your business uses to collect and track event RSVPs.)

If a contact RSVPs “yes,” you can automatically send them a friendly reminder email for the event with any information or details they need to know before the big day. When the event is just one day away, the automation will send them an event reminder email so they don’t miss out.

If a contact RSVPs “no,” you can send them an email letting them know that you’ll miss them at the event and hope they can join you next time. If you have a schedule of other upcoming events, share them in this message and encourage your contact to attend.

You can also use this RSVP follow-up email automation to send webinar reminder emails to contacts who RSVP “yes” for your webinar and share information about other upcoming webinars with contacts who RSVP “no.”

Before you import this automation, set up your Typeform, Unbounce, Jotform, or other form integration. Make sure you have a form set up to collect event RSVPs and set up a custom field in ActiveCampaign to track RSVP form responses.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Event RSVP Follow-up Email” automation recipe works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact fills out your event RSVP form. In our example, we use a Typeform integration, but you can adjust the automation to work with any form integration.
  2. An If/Else condition checks to see whether the contact RSVPed “Yes” via the event RSVP form. (Make sure you map that field from your integrated form to ActiveCampaign before the automation goes live.) People who can attend go down the “Yes” path. People who can’t go down the “No” path.
  3. If the contact RSVPed “Yes,” the automation sends a follow-up email to the contact. In this email, let your contact know how excited you are for them to attend your event, and share any details they need to know beforehand.
  4. The automation waits until the event date. You can adjust this to the day of your event. If you use this form and automation for multiple events, you can add a date-based custom field for the contact’s event date, then set the wait step to wait until the date in the custom field.
  5. The automation sends the contact an email reminding them that the event is today. Make sure to share any last-minute details, like directions to the location or parking information.
  6. If the contact RSVPed “No,” the automation sends a follow-up email to the contact. In this email, let your contact know that you’re sorry the can’t make it, but you hope to see them at a future event. If you have an event calendar, now’s a great time to share it with your contact and encourage them to sign up for a future event.
  7. The automation ends.

9. Form Integration: Quiz Follow-up Email

Do you use a quiz to generate leads on your website? Use this automation to follow up with contacts who take an opt-in quiz on your site.

Lead generation quizzes are a great way to engage contacts and generate leads on your website. This automation lets you automatically send quiz follow-up emails to your contacts with their quiz results and any other information you want to share — like a product recommendation based on their answers.

This automation was built with the Typeform “Personality Quiz” template in mind, but feel free to adjust it based on the form integration you use for your quiz opt-in forms. This automation works great with Typeform forms, Jotform forms, and Unbounce forms.

Before you import this automation, set up your Typeform, Jotform, Unbounce, or other form integration. Make sure you have your integrated form set up to tag contacts based on their quiz form submission and map the quiz fields over from your form integration.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Quiz Follow-up Email” automation recipe works:

  1. The automaton is triggered when a contact is assigned the tag that indicates that they submitted the quiz you have set up through your form integration. In our example, we’re using a Typeform personality quiz. Adjust the trigger based on how you tag a contact who submits the quiz.
  2. An If/Else step checks to see whether the contact answered Question 1 and Question 2 in a certain way. In our example, we check to see whether the contact answered both Question 1 and Question 2 with A. Feel free to adjust these actions and logic based on the integration and quiz you have set up.
  3. If the contact answered both questions with A, the automation assigns the contact a tag based on their quiz results. In our personality quiz example, we assign an “Extrovert” tag to the contact.
  4. The automation waits 2 hours. Feel free to adjust this wait step based on how long you want to wait to send a follow-up email after a contact finishes the quiz.
  5. The automation sends a quiz follow-up email with messaging specific to the contact’s quiz results.
  6. If the contact did not answer both questions with A, and If/Else step checks to see whether the contact answered both Question 1 and Question 2 with B.
  7. If the contact answered both questions with B, the automation assigns the contact a tag based on their quiz results. In our personality quiz example, we assign an “Introvert” tag to the contact.
  8. The automation waits 2 hours. Feel free to adjust this wait step based on how long you want to wait to send a follow-up email after a contact finishes the quiz.
  9. The automation sends a quiz follow-up email with messaging specific to the contact’s quiz results.
  10. If the contact did not answer both questions with B, the automation assigns the contact a tag based on their quiz results. In our personality quiz example, we assign an “Ambivert” tag to the contact.
  11. The automation waits 2 hours. Feel free to adjust this wait step based on how long you want to wait to send a follow-up email after a contact finishes the quiz.
  12. The automation sends a quiz follow-up email with messaging specific to the contact’s quiz results.
  13. The automation ends.

10. Form Integration: Process Order from Form

Do you collect customer orders through a Typeform, Jotform, or Unbounce form? This automation makes it easy to process the order and share order details with your customer.

(This automation was built with the Typeform “T-Shirt Order Form” template in mind, but you can customize it for the form integration your business uses to collect customer orders.)

When a customer submits an order through your integrated online order form, this automation sends them an email thanking them for their order. You can even include a discount code on their next purchase or information on a loyalty program.

At the same time, your internal or external order fulfillment team automatically receives a notification with the customer’s order information, so they can start processing it.

After the customer receives their order, send them an email asking whether they’re satisfied with their purchase. You can also include a feedback form or request a review of their new purchase.

Before you import this automation, set up your Typeform, Unbounce, Jotform, or other form integration. Make sure you have your integrated form set up to tag contacts when they submit the order form.

Here’s how the “Form Integration: Process Order from Form” automation recipe works:

  1. The automaton is triggered when a contact submits your integrated order form and is assigned the corresponding tag. In our example, we use Typeform’s “T-Shirt Order Form” template. Adjust this trigger to whatever it needs to be for your form integration.
  2. The automation removes the contact’s order form tag so that the contact can place more orders in the future and be entered into the automation again.
  3. The automation sends a notification to your internal or external fulfillment team with the contact’s order information so that they can process the order.
  4. The automation waits 1 week. Feel free to adjust the time on this wait step to match how long it takes for your customers to receive their orders.
  5. The automation sends the contact an email asking whether they’re satisfied with their purchase. You can also include a feedback form or request a review of their new purchase.
  6. The automation ends.

11. Unbounce: Welcome Series Based on Form Variant

Send your contacts different welcome series based on which Unbounce form variant they submit. When you A/B test variations of your Unbounce forms, make sure that the messaging in your welcome series matches the messaging on your form.

Deliver the content your contacts expect by tailoring your messaging based on the form variant they submitted. Message match gives your contacts a clearer and more consistent experience from form to email. If you use the same generic welcome series for all of your contacts, it can create a confusing and negative customer experience.

You can use this automation with the Unbounce: Test Form Variants automation recipe to determine which form performs better and send contacts tailored messaging.

When a contact submits your Unbounce form, Unbounce tags them based on which variant they submitted. Use this automation to deliver different welcome emails to contacts tagged Variant A vs. those tagged Variant B.

Before importing this automation, make sure you have your Unbounce integration set up and your form variants integrated with your ActiveCampaign account.

Here’s how the “Unbounce: Welcome Series Based on Form Variant” automation recipe works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact submits any variant of your Unbounce form and is assigned the corresponding tag in ActiveCampaign. Make sure you adjust this trigger to the tag provided by your specific Unbounce form.
  2. The automation subscribes your contact to a list of your choice. In our example, we add the contact to our Master List.
  3. An If/Else condition checks if your Unbounce form tagged your contact with Variant A. If you’re testing out more than two variants, create more If/Else actions and messages.
  4. If the contact has the Variant A tag, the automation sends them the first email in the Variant A welcome series. Make sure to tailor this welcome message to the language and design you used in the form variant.
  5. The automation waits 1 day. Feel free to adjust this wait step to whatever makes sense for your business.
  6. The automation sends the contact the second email in the Variant A welcome series. If your welcome series is longer than 2 emails, you can add more wait steps and actions after this.
  7. If the contact does not have the Variant A tag, we can assume they have the Variant B tag. The automation sends them the first email in the Variant B welcome series. Make sure to tailor this welcome message to the language and design you used in the form variant.
  8. The automation waits 1 day. Feel free to adjust this wait step to whatever makes sense for your business.
  9. The automation sends the contact the second email in the Variant B welcome series. If your welcome series is longer than 2 emails, you can add more wait steps and actions after this.
  10. The automation ends.

12. Unbounce: Test Gated Content Variants

A/B test gated content variants to see which content converts more leads. This automation makes it easy to deliver gated content variants to contacts who submit your Unbounce form, then track which piece of gated content leads to higher conversion rates.

Gated content is any content that can’t be accessed until someone submits their contact information. Some popular types of gated content include:

  • White papers
  • Webinars
  • Ebooks
  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Tutorials

With so many different types of gated content to choose from, how do you know which ones will resonate most with your contacts? Use Unbounce to assign different gated content variants to different contacts, then deliver gated content and track which piece of content performs better with this automation.

When a contact gives you their information in exchange for gated content, they expect to get that gated content delivered to their inbox ASAP. This automation takes the task of gated content delivery off your plate.

When a contact submits your gated content Unbounce form, Unbounce tags them with Variant A or Variant B. Use this automation to deliver content variant A or B to the lead, then track which piece of content leads to more conversions. You can use goal reporting to see whether more contacts who received Variant A or Variant B converted (or met some other goal condition).

Before importing this automation, make sure you have your Unbounce integration set up and your gated content form integrated with your ActiveCampaign account.

Here’s how the “Unbounce: Test Gated Content Variants” automation recipe works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact submits your Unbounce gated content form and is assigned the corresponding tag in ActiveCampaign. Make sure you adjust this trigger to the tag provided by your specific Unbounce form.
  2. The automation subscribes your contact to a list of your choice. In our example, we add the contact to our Master List.
  3. An If/Else condition checks if your Unbounce form tagged your contact with Variant A. If you’re testing out more than 2 variants, create more If/Else actions and messages.
  4. If the contact has the Variant A tag, the automation sends them an email with a link to your first gated content variant. You can also attach a PDF to your email via our Dropbox integration.
  5. The automation waits 3 months. Adjust these wait step to what makes sense for your business’s typical sales cycle.
  6. A goal step checks to see if any contact in the Variant A pathway meets a condition at any time during the automation. Set 2 conditions for this goal step: Whatever you are using to measure the success of your gated content variants, and the specific tag assigned to the first content variant. For example, you can set this goal condition to “Has Tag Variant A” and “Has Made a Purchase” to track conversions of contacts who received the first content variant.
  7. If a contact meets the Variant A goal step, the automation sends them a thank you email. (Any contacts who do not complete the goal exit the automation before this step.)
  8. If the contact does not have the Variant A tag, we can assume they have the Variant B tag, so the automation sends them an email with a link to your second gated content variant. You can also attach a PDF to your email via our Dropbox integration.
  9. The automation waits 3 months. Adjust these wait step to what makes sense for your business’s typical sales cycle.
  10. A goal step checks to see if any contact in the Variant B pathway meets a condition at any time during the automation. Set 2 conditions for this goal step: Whatever you are using to measure the success of your gated content variants, and the specific tag assigned to the second content variant. For example, you can set this goal condition to “Has Tag Variant B” and “Has Made a Purchase” to track conversions of contacts who received the second content variant.
  11. If a contact meets the Variant B goal step, the automation sends them a thank you email. (Any contacts who do not complete the goal exit the automation before this step.)
  12. The automation ends.

13. Unbounce: Test Form Variants

A/B test variations of your Unbounce forms to see which converts more contacts. This automation makes it easy to determine which form performs better based on a set goal, like purchases, page visits, or other tracked events.

When a contact submits your Unbounce form, Unbounce tags them based on which variant they submitted. Use this automation to track which form leads to more conversions. You can use goal reporting to see whether more contacts with tag Variant A or tag Variant B met the goal step in the automation.

This A/B testing strategy lets you figure out which form converts better, then only show that form to your contacts in the future.

Before importing this automation, make sure you have your Unbounce integration set up and your form variants integrated with your ActiveCampaign account.

Here’s how the “Unbounce: Test Form Variants” automation recipe works:

  1. The automation is triggered when a contact submits a variant of your Unbounce form and is assigned the corresponding tag in ActiveCampaign. Make sure you adjust this trigger to the tag provided by your specific Unbounce form.
  2. An If/Else condition checks if your Unbounce form tagged your contact with Variant A. If you’re testing out more than two variants, create more If/Else actions and messages.
  3. If the contact has the Variant A tag, the automation waits 3 months. Adjust these wait step to what makes sense for your business’s typical sales cycle. This wait step could also be how long you want the testing phase to be before you determine which form wins.
  4. A goal step checks to see if any contact in the Variant A pathway meets a condition at any time during the automation. Set 2 conditions for this goal step: Whatever you are using to measure the success of your form variants, and the specific tag assigned to the first form variant. For example, you can set this goal condition to “Has Tag Variant A” and “Has Made a Purchase” to track conversions of contacts who filled out the first form variant.
  5. If the contact does not have the Variant A tag, we can assume they have the Variant B tag. In the Variant B pathway, the automation waits 3 months. Adjust these wait step to what makes sense for your business’s typical sales cycle or how long you want the testing phase to be.
  6. A goal step checks to see if any contact in the Variant B pathway meets a condition at any time during the automation. Set 2 conditions for this goal step: Whatever you are using to measure the success of your form variants, and the specific tag assigned to the second form variant. For example, you can set this goal condition to “Has Tag Variant B” and “Has Made a Purchase” to track conversions of contacts who received the second form variant.
  7. The automation ends.